직업훈련 생계비대출 Job training, living expenses loan deposit, review review, application method

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Vocational training living expenses loans are limited to a maximum of 15 million won until June 30, so those eligible for support should hurry up and apply.

We have compiled a review of everything from loan application to deposit with a low interest rate of 2% (including 1% guarantee rate), so please follow along step by step.

Living Expense Loan – Processing Procedure

1. Log in to Labor Welfare Net with a public certificate. Click on Apply for Vocational Training Living Expenses Loan and check the relevant information. Fill out the loan application form, pledge, and personal information consent form and enter your information.

Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service-Application

2. You can fill out your vocational training information by looking at the National Tomorrow Learning Card HRD-NET website ▶ My Information ▶ My Training ▶ vocational training history.

National Tomorrow Learning Card-HRDNET

3. You can find out how much you can borrow depending on the period of job training.
For example, if the training period is 2 months, it is 6 million won, and if it is 4 months, it is 12 million won. However, if the month changes and there are 3 months left in the 4-month educational institution, only 9 million won will be loaned.

In other words, it is based on the application date (reception date), so applying as early as possible before the month changes is the way to receive the most loans.

4. After applying for a loan from the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service, you will usually be notified of the results of whether or not you can receive a loan within 2 to 4 days.

Information letter

5. When you receive a notification that you have been selected for a loan via SMS or KakaoTalk, you will be notified of the documents to be submitted.

① Copy of resident registration
②Confirmation of health insurance eligibility for household members, certificate of health insurance premium payment (amount assessed if no payment is made)
③ Employment contract (limited to non-regular workers), unpaid leave confirmation (limited to unpaid leave workers)

Obtain documents from Government 24 or the National Health Insurance Corporation and submit the documents to the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service.

Once the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service goes through a final eligibility review (usually takes 3-4 days) and issues a credit guarantee (guarantee number), you can access the IBK app or website to make a loan. The warranty has an expiration date, so please make sure to use it within this period.

Approval Number – Information

6. In order to execute a loan, you must have a bank account for deposits and withdrawals at the Industrial Bank of Korea, so you should not create a bank account at another financial institution in advance for the time being. If you recently created a bank account at another financial institution, you must wait 20 business days or close the recently created bank account.

Mobile – How to


If a total of 9 million won is approved for a loan, you will receive 3 million won over 3 months (on the 15th of each month from the 2nd round).

A certain amount is deducted from the deposit amount. The reason is that 1% is calculated as a guarantee fee. The 1% guarantee fee for 9 million won is 90,000 won.

Assuming that the loan period is a total of 8 years (3 years for deferment + 5 years for repayment), the guarantee fee is 8×9=720,000 won. Payment will be made in 3 installments (KRW 720,000 ÷ 3 months = KRW 240,000). Therefore, for 3 months, you will receive approximately 2.76 million won (3 million won – 240,000 won).

Information about monthly interest payments will be sent via SMS or KakaoTalk, so you can make sure you are aware of it and repay it faithfully.

1. Website for a comprehensive summary of national subsidies and support systems in 2023

2. Youth Sunshine Loan Youth

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