주민등록등본 인터넷발급 방법 How to issue a resident registration certificate online

A copy of your resident registration can be issued at a community center, unmanned issuance machine, or online site.

If you issue a copy of your resident registration online without visiting the community center in person, you can immediately print it for free without any fees.


주민등록등본 인터넷발급

주민등록등본 인터넷발급

💡 What is the difference between resident registration abstract and resident registration copy?

Differences in the resident registration abstract can be seen in whether household member information is recorded or changes in individual personal information (address change and reason, name change, etc.) are recorded.


A copy of resident registration contains household composition information and the names and resident registration numbers of household members who have reported moving in together, but a copy of resident registration only contains information about the individual issuer.

Therefore, a copy of resident registration must be submitted when proving personal information changes such as name change, date and reason for address change, or military service.


For your reference, the method of issuing a resident registration abstract using the Internet and the method of issuing a resident registration copy are all very similar.


🔻 How to issue a resident registration copy online: Print online and save as PDF

How to issue a resident registration certificate online: print online and save as PDF

There are two ways to obtain a resident registration certificate: in person or by applying online. Today, we will guide you on how to easily obtain a copy of your resident registration online at home. If you visit the community center and issue a certificate, it costs 400 won per copy.



How to issue a copy of resident registration online
Civil Service 24-Resident Registration Copy
Government 24 resident registration abstract issued

🔗Access to the government 24 site.

The civil service services provided by the existing Civil Service 24 have been integrated into Government 24, so now everyone can apply for document civil service, such as resident registration extracts, at Government 24.


Copy of resident registration – issued online
Issuance of resident registration copy

Among the frequently visited services, click Resident Registration Copy (Extract).


04. Resident registration abstract – issuance

Click the Issuance button on the Civil Service Information and Application screen.


Government 24-Resident Registration Abstract

If you have not logged in, ‘This is a service that members/non-members can apply for.’ A window will appear saying:

I will proceed with applying as a non-member.


Copy of resident registration – certified copy

Check ‘I agree’ to the consent to collection and use of personal information and unique identification information, then scroll down to the bottom and enter information for non-member application.


Resident registration-abstract copy

Name, resident registration number, and input confirmation fields are required fields.

After completing the input, click the OK button.


Resident registration copy – Internet issuance – Civil service 24

Since you will be issued a copy of your resident registration rather than a certified copy, you must select the second tab from the top.


Copy of resident registration – issuance – internet

Select the address on your resident registration.

You only need to select the club level.


You can choose to issue it to yourself or another member of your household.


Resident registration abstract – optional issuance

You can choose between general issuance and selective issuance as the issuance type.

If there is no special request from the submission site, you can select issuance in general. If you want to include or exclude information to be displayed, select selective issuance and check each information to be displayed.


If you select online issuance (print in person) as the method of receipt, you can immediately print it with a connected printer or download a PDF file.

By clicking the down arrow in the drop-down list, you can select a receipt method such as electronic document wallet, third-party submission, registered mail, or regular mail.


Once you have made your selection, click the Submit Complaint button at the bottom left.


Government 24-Simple Authentication

Since you are applying as a non-member, ‘This service requires authentication.’ A window will appear.

I proceeded with simple authentication.


Issuance of copy of resident registration form

Once authentication is complete, the screen moves to the online application details.

Click the Print Document button in the processing status of the complaint.


Copy of resident registration – original
Government 24 resident registration copy

When the document output window appears, click the print icon in the upper right.



How to save resident registration abstract PDF
Resident registration abstract-pdf

To save the Resident Registration Abstract PDF, select Print Preview Window > Destination > Save as PDF and press the blue Save button at the bottom to select the save path.

To print with a connected printer, select the printer name and press the blue print button at the bottom.