주거안정월세대출 Housing stability and monthly rental loan for youth only: Youth Asset Center

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Housing stability and monthly rental loan for youth only

◎ Support details

– Loan interest rate: (preferred type) 1.0% per year (general type) 1.5% per year
– Loan limit: Up to 9.6 million won (within 400,000 won per month)
– Loan period: 2 years (extended 4 times, up to 10 years available)

◎ Application qualifications

2) Hope Kiwoom Account subscribers
3) Newcomers to society: Those who have been employed for less than 5 years, are under 35 years old as of the date of application, and have a combined annual income of KRW 40 million or less.
4) Work incentive recipient: Head of household (a person recognized as the head of household) among work incentive recipients who are acknowledged to have received receipt within the past 1 year as of the loan application date
5) Child incentive recipient: A person who is the head of the household (including those recognized as the head of the household) among children’s incentive recipients who are recognized as having received the benefit within the past 1 year as of the date of loan application.
6) Housing benefit recipient: A person who is the head of the household (including those recognized as the head of the household) among housing benefit recipients as of the date of loan application.
– Those who meet all of the requirements below
(Contract) A person who has entered into a housing rental contract and paid more than 5% of the rental deposit
(Head of household) The head of household is an adult under civil law as of the date of loan application.
(Non-home) A person where all household members, including the head of the household, do not own a home
(Duplicate loans prohibited) Non-users of housing and city fund loans, bank financed lease funds loans and housing mortgage loans
(Assets) A person whose combined net assets of the loan applicant and spouse are less than or equal to the average value of all households in the 3rd income quintile (rounded to the nearest 100,000 won) among the ‘Status of assets and liabilities by income 5th quintile’ in the most recent Household Finance and Welfare Survey published by Statistics Korea
(Public rental housing) Not available if you are residing in public rental housing as of the loan application date.

◎ How to apply

Youth Asset Center
Online Customer Center: Youth Asset Center KakaoTalk Plus Friend

