재산세 조회, 납부방법 및 납부시기 Property tax inquiry, payment method and payment period

July is an important month for those who own land or buildings. This is the month when you have to pay property tax, which is classified as local tax, so don’t forget to pay it so you don’t have to pay additional taxes. It is 3% until one month elapses, but 0.75% is added for each month, so since it is a tax you have to pay anyway, you must pay it now to avoid additional tax.

재산세 조회

재산세 조회

Property tax Witax payment

1. Property tax payment timing and payment method at Witax
property tax witax
A) Payment period
Property taxes classified as local taxes are due from July 16th to July 31st. However, even before that, you can access Witax to check and pay.

B) Payment method
As long as you are registered with Witax, inquiry and payment are not difficult. Simply download the WiTax app on your smartphone, log in with your certificate, and go to the property tax section that can be easily found on the main screen. During the property tax payment period, as soon as you log in, you will be taken directly to the screen displaying “Amount to Pay” and pay by touching the relevant item.


If the member pays, he or she can select an account or card, and if someone else pays, he or she can pay by card. If you agree to all terms of use and use of personal information, you will proceed to the payment method. You can choose to pay by bank transfer, simple payment, or credit card.



2. Land tax
This is a local tax levied on landowners as of June 1st every year. For buildings, payment must be made between July 16 and July 31, and for land, payment must be made between September 16 and September 30. In general, it is simple to think that property tax on buildings is paid in July and property tax on land is paid in September.


3. Card benefits when paying local taxes
In the case of national taxes, there is a fee when paying by card, so it is recommended to transfer to an account, but in the case of local taxes, no separate fee is charged for paying by card. In addition, credit card companies offer small benefits when paying local taxes, so we recommend paying by card rather than bank transfer. Of course, it is not a big benefit, but rather small benefits such as coffee coupons and cashback. The benefits offered by credit card companies change every year, so I will not explain them separately.


The property tax and land tax that must be paid every year are burdensome, but if it is a tax that must be paid anyway, I should not face the disadvantage of having to pay my additional tax on time. Taxes are a waste, but having to pay additional taxes is even more heartbreaking.