자대배치조회 및 신병부대배치조회(육군,해군,공군,해병대) Unit placement inquiry and new unit placement inquiry (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps)

Today, I will introduce you to how to check Army unit deployment. If you are an able-bodied adult male, you will join the military for military service. In the past, the service period was 26 months for the Army and Navy, but these days it has been shortened to 18 months. Among them, you will receive training at the training center for 5 periods, and for 1 year and 5 months, you will be assigned to your unit and spend time working or training. So, rather than a training center where you receive basic training for 5 weeks, where you will be stationed for 1 year and 5 months may be more important. Based on the Army’s average standards, you will be assigned to your unit around the time you complete the 5-week training camp.



If you have a special specialty or skill in society before entering the service, you will be appointed as a technical soldier. In the case of division recruit training centers, the general public can learn about new recruits’ positions and unit assignments. If you have a family member or friend who is about to be deployed as a trainee, you can easily find out through inquiry.

Below is a method to check Army unit placement. Please refer to it and use it to your advantage.



Group placement inquiry
Army unit deployment inquiry
You can receive information on the results of your new unit classification via text message and the Internet. However, before that, I will introduce a way to check.

Group placement inquiry
Group placement inquiry
The education regiment placement will be sent to your parents’ number on the Wednesday following your enlistment date. However, you can search faster than that through the link below.

Group placement inquiry
For consultation inquiries: 042) 550-7303 ~ 7306, 7366
Consultation available on weekdays 9:00 – 16:00 / Wednesdays 9:00 – 14:30 (lunch time 12:00 – 13:00)
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Army unit placement inquiry


Army unit placement inquiry

1. Click “Participation Forum” > “Placement” on the top menu of the homepage.

(Go to Yoongun Training Center)



2. Please enter your name, date of birth, date of enlistment, and unit of enlistment.


3. Then, you can see the current unit deployment information. If there are no search results, please refer to the timings below and check the schedule first.