자궁경부암 검사 무료대상 조회방법 How to check for free cervical cancer screening

Regular cervical cancer screening is one of the surest ways to prevent cancer along with the cervical cancer vaccine, so if you are a woman, we recommend that you get tested. In this article, we will learn about cervical cancer screening methods, free test subjects, and the cervical cancer screening cycle. .

자궁경부암 검사 무료대상

자궁경부암 검사 무료대상

Why should I get screened for cervical cancer?



Cervical cancer is decreasing among developed countries where cervical cancer screening is performed regularly. Among them, the results showed that those who died from cervical cancer did not undergo cervical cancer screening.


However, in Korea, cervical cancer ranks first among cancers affecting women. Just getting a regular cervical cancer screening can prevent you from dying from cervical cancer, so getting a cervical cancer screening for all women reduces the risk of getting cancer.



Learn more about cervical cancer symptoms



How to test for cervical cancer
There are a total of 4 types of cervical cancer tests.



General cytology test (Pap smear): Cervical cells are collected and observed under a microscope to see if any abnormal cells are found.
Liquid cell test: Collected cells are placed in a liquid storage container to check for abnormal cells.
Colposcopy / Colposcopy: This is a test to observe abnormal areas or uterine cancer by enlarging the cervix and observing the cervix.

Eligible for free cervical cancer screening
The free national screening for cervical cancer available in Korea is a general cytology test. Those eligible for free testing are women over the age of 20. Free checkups are available once every two years. Those born in even-numbered years can receive free testing in even-numbered years, and those born in odd-numbered years can receive free testing in odd-numbered years.


In other words, since 2024 is an even year, people born in even years can be screened for cervical cancer until the end of December 2024.


This is a free test that is 100% covered by the government to prevent cancer in women, so if you are eligible for a free test, be sure to make an appointment at the hospital and get tested regularly. You can click the button below to find a hospital where you can receive free cervical cancer screening.



Find a free cervical cancer screening hospital



Find a free cervical cancer screening hospital

However, the free routine Pap test is only 60% accurate, so if you would like to get another test, scroll down further and check out the paragraph below that explains the cost of a Pap test.


Why regular cervical cancer screening prevents cancer
Cervical cancer gradually changes from normal cells to cancer cells. Cervical cancer develops in the following stages: normal cells > intraepithelial neoplasms > cancer cells. It may take several years to about 10 years for the intermediate stage, the intraepithelial neoplasia stage, to develop into cancer cells.



How often should I get screened for cervical cancer? – Regular cervical cancer screening cycle
In the case of cervical cancer, it takes such a long time for it to become cancerous, so if you get a cervical cancer screening once or twice a year, you can treat cervical cancer in its early stages, once a year for those in their 30s and once a year for those in their 40s and beyond. It is recommended to get screened for cervical cancer about twice a year.


cervical cancer screening

Cervical cancer screening cost
The cost of cervical cancer screening may vary depending on the type of test and hospital, so please note that this is an approximate test cost.



General cell test: 10,000 to 20,000 won
Liquid cytology: 40,000 to 50,000 won
Cervical enlargement imaging test: around 30,000 won

The cervical enlargement imaging test has an accuracy of 98% when combined with a general cytology test, so if you are interested in high accuracy, please use it in conjunction with other tests in addition to the free checkup.


If you would like to know the exact price and hospital for liquid cytology or cervical enlargement imaging, you can click the button below to inquire.



View cervical cancer screening prices by hospital



Precautions before getting tested for cervical cancer
Do not have sexual intercourse without washing the vagina, using vaginal tablets, or using contraceptives in the vagina for 1-2 days before the cervical cancer screening test.
The test is not performed during menstruation (best 10 to 10 days from the start of menstruation).
If you have had a hysterectomy or are sexually inexperienced, please consult your doctor.

Consulting with a gynecologist

We learned about the cervical cancer screening method, cost, free test subjects, and cervical cancer screening cycle. Please see below for other health information articles on this blog.