자격증 조회 Super simple way to check ITQ certification – Play and live with economy

자격증 조회First, let me briefly explain ITQ. It is a test that evaluates the information technology utilization and information technology skills of members of companies, institutions, and organizations in the information age. Just by looking at the ITQ, you will know roughly what the test is like, right?
It usually refers to Hangul, Excel, and PowerPoint. There is no age limit and grades are given by categorizing them into A, B, and C.

Please search for KPC qualification in the Naver search bar.
At this time, it is important to note that KPC and KPC qualifications are different. To check your qualifications, please search for KPC qualifications.
I will leave a link below.
main screen


To verify my information, I have to verify that it is me, right?
Log in.
When taking the ITQ certification test, it is okay if you do not sign up for the website.
When checking your certification, even if you sign up as a member, your personal information will be linked and the certifications you have acquired will be automatically searched.

After logging in, hover the cursor over My Credentials in the upper right corner.
Later, click on Certification Acquisition Status among the sub-items.

All the certifications I have earned so far are listed.
As a side note, the ITQ Hangul below is a certification I earned in elementary school, but I can still see it.
Click on the acquisition statement on the right.

Click on the acquisition statement to open the certification file.
It contains your name, date of birth, qualifications, registration number, subjects acquired, date of acquisition, etc.
It can be downloaded as a PDF or Word file and can also be printed.
Even if you submit it somewhere, you can just pull it out and submit it here, right?
Today, we learned how to get ITQ certification quickly and easily.
If you look on the left side of the acquisition history, you can also apply for certification.
Even if it’s just a certificate, it feels good to have it in person, right?
If you would like to receive one, you can apply.
I didn’t apply because I didn’t have anything to show and the fee (3,500 won) was a waste.

Thank you for reading today.

자격증 조회
