2023 임영웅 콘서트 티켓팅 성공하는 방법 How to succeed in ticketing for the 2023 Lim Young-woong concert

We will inform you about singer Lim Young-woong’s concert 2023 schedule, how to reserve tickets, and tips for purchasing tickets.

임영웅 콘서트 티켓팅

임영웅 콘서트 티켓팅

Many people must have been waiting for Lim Young-woong’s concert. The concert schedule has finally been released and we would like to quickly let you know. I’m looking forward to it even more since it’s a nationwide tour. It will be held in Seoul, Daegu, Busan, Daejeon, and Gwangju. The concert title is <IM HERO>.






Ticketing dates are different for each region, so please follow along.



Click here to purchase Lim Young-woong concert tickets



Direct links to regional ticket reservation sites can be found below.



1. Lim Young-woong Concert <IM HERO>
2. Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 Schedule
Youngwoong Lim Concert Seoul
Youngwoong Lim Concert Daegu
Youngwoong Lim Concert Busan
Youngwoong Lim Concert Daejeon
Youngwoong Lim Concert Gwangju
3. Lim Young-woong concert ticket reservation
Go to Lim Young-woong Concert Seoul Ticketing Reservation Site
Go to Lim Young-woong Concert Daegu ticket reservation site
Go to Lim Young-woong’s concert Busan ticket reservation site
Go to Lim Young-woong Concert Daejeon Ticketing Reservation Site
Go to Lim Young-woong Concert Gwangju ticket reservation site
4. Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 ticket reservation information
Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 Ticket Reservation Tips
Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 ticket price
5. Lim Young-woong’s official fan cafe


1. Lim Young-woong Concert <IM HERO>

Let’s learn about Lim Young-woong’s concert <IM HERO>.


There is a concert teaser video, so if you haven’t seen it, please be sure to watch it.



Go to Lim Young-woong’s concert teaser




Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023
Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023


Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023
Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023


2. Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 Schedule

Let’s take a look at the Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 schedule.







Local Concert Venue Dates
Seoul KSPO DOME Week 1: 2023.10.27~10.29
Week 2: 2023.11.03~11.05
Daegu Expo East Hall 2023.11.24~11.26
Busan BEXCO Exhibition Hall 1, Halls 1 and 2 2023.12.08~12.10
Daejeon Daejeon Convention Center Exhibition Hall 2 2023.12.29~12.31
Gwangju Kimdaejung Convention Center 2024.01.05~01.07

Youngwoong Lim Concert Seoul

Location: KSPO DOME

Date: 2023.10.27 ~ 10.29 / 2023.11.03 ~ 11.05


Performance date Concert start time
2023.10.27 (Fri) 7:30 PM
2023.10.28 (Sat) 6 PM
2023.10.29 (Sun) 6 PM
2023.11.03 (Fri) 7:30 PM
2023.11.04 (Sat) 6 PM
2023.11.05 (Sun) 6 PM

Youngwoong Lim Concert Daegu

Location: Expo East Hall

Date: 2023. 11.24 ~ 11.26


Performance date Concert start time
2023.11.24 (Fri) 7:30 PM
2023.11.25 (Sat) 6 PM
2023.11.26 (Sun) 6 PM


Youngwoong Lim Concert Busan

Location: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 1, Halls 1 and 2

Date: 2023.12.08 ~ 12.10


Performance date Concert start time
2023.12.08 (Fri) 7:30 PM
2023.12.09 (Sat) 6 PM
2023.12.10 (Sun) 6 PM


Youngwoong Lim Concert Daejeon

Location: Daejeon Convention Center Exhibition Hall 2

Date: 2023.12.29 ~ 12.31


Performance date Concert start time
2023.12.29 (Fri) 7:30 PM
2023.12.30 (Sat) 6 PM
2023.12.31 (Sun) 6 PM


Youngwoong Lim Concert Gwangju

Venue: Kimdaejung Convention Center

Date: 2023.01.05 ~ 01.07


Performance date Concert start time
2024.01.05 (Fri) 7:30 PM
2024.01.06 (Sat) 6 PM
2024.01.07 (Sun) 6 PM

Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023
Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023

Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023

Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023

3. Lim Young-woong concert ticket reservation

Let’s learn about how to reserve tickets for Lim Young-woong’s concert.

Ticket reservation opening dates vary depending on the region, so please check the dates carefully. The time is the same on Thursday at 8 PM.


Tickets for this Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 are available at Interpark Ticket.


Direct links to ticket reservation sites for each region can be found below.


Regional ticket reservation opening date
Seoul 2023.09.14 (Thursday) 8 PM
Daegu 2023.10.05 (Thursday) 8 PM
Busan 2023.10.19 (Thursday) 8 PM
Daejeon 2023.11.02 (Thursday) 8 PM
Gwangju 2023. 11.16 (Thursday) 8 PM


Go to Lim Young-woong Concert Seoul Ticketing Reservation Site

Lim Young-woong Concert Seoul ticket reservation opening date is 8 PM on Thursday, September 14, 2023.



Go to Seoul Ticket Reservation



Go to Lim Young-woong Concert Daegu ticket reservation site

Lim Young-woong Concert Daegu ticket reservation opening date is 8 PM on Thursday, October 5, 2023.



Click here for Daegu ticket reservations



Go to Lim Young-woong’s concert Busan ticket reservation site

Lim Young-woong Concert Busan ticket reservation opening date is 8 PM on Thursday, October 19, 2023.



Go to Busan ticket reservation



Go to Lim Young-woong Concert Daejeon Ticketing Reservation Site

Lim Young-woong Concert Daejeon ticket reservation opening date is 8 PM on Thursday, November 2, 2023.



Go to Daejeon Ticket Reservation



Go to Lim Young-woong Concert Gwangju ticket reservation site

Lim Young-woong Concert Gwangju ticket reservation opening date is 8 PM on Thursday, November 16, 2023.



Go to Gwangju ticket reservation



4. Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 ticket reservation information

Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 Ticket Reservation Tips






1. Click the Lim Young-woong concert ticket reservation button.

※ If you have not registered as a member, please register in advance. If you have not registered as a member, you can make a reservation by logging in through Naver or Kakao.

2. Select the viewing date and viewing session (time) and click Reserve.

※ If you have not authenticated, the ‘Reserve after authentication’ button will appear instead of making a reservation, so please authenticate in advance.

* How to authenticate in advance: To authenticate in advance, if the <Authentication and Reservation> button appears when you click on another concert, please authenticate in advance in the other concert reservation window.

3. Select your seat and click the seat selection complete button.

4. If there is a discount that applies to you, select it, check the price, and click Next Step.

5. Select the ticket receipt method (on-site pickup, delivery), confirm the reservation holder (name, date of birth, contact information, email) and click Next Step.

6. Select a payment method and click Next Step.

7. Agree to the payment terms and click the Pay button.

8. Once the reservation is completed, check the final reservation details.


Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 ticket price

☆ VIP seat: 165,000 won

☆ SR seats: 154,000 won

☆ R seats: 143,000 won

☆ S seat: 121,000 won



Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023

Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023

5. Lim Young-woong’s official fan cafe

Detailed information about Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 can be found on the official fan cafe.


Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023
Youngwoong Lim Concert 2023


Go to Lim Young-woong’s official fan cafe