이력서 및 자기소개서 작성법 How to write a resume and cover letter

As interest in and recruitment of overseas sales positions are increasing, we will explain how to write a resume and self-introduction letter that must be attached to new or experienced employees in overseas sales, as well as a basic understanding of overseas sales. As for the importance of overseas sales, this sentence seems to be the easiest way to express it. ‘Do you want to sell products to billions of people around the world or only to 53 million people in Korea?’ After all, to raise the most important sales in sales, overseas markets, not domestic markets, are much more valuable.

이력서 및 자기소개서 작성법

이력서 및 자기소개서 작성법

1. Basic understanding of overseas sales duties

I would like to explain the following comprehensively only the contents that those who are interested in overseas sales positions or have done overseas sales must know when they are looking for a new job or changing jobs. Furthermore, I explained how to take the direction when interviewing and think about how it will lead to passing.


Overseas customer management and new customer discovery


Overseas sales is literally a job group that promotes and sells the products or services we want to sell overseas. Therefore, when entering a company, most of the existing customer management is first taken over and managed as a sub before proceeding. Work follows.


Not only what kind of business and how to communicate with existing customers, but also the understanding of countries going to existing customers, specifications of products, and the process of polishing the basics of import and export takes quite a bit of time than expected, but one company You can understand the entire process of getting a product into the hands of overseas buyers.


Once you have a basic understanding of this process and understanding of the product to some extent, it leads to the process of developing a new market in earnest. .


This is because it is the back side of most products in Korea, where you have to struggle somewhere in the middle between low-priced products in China and ultra-high-priced premium products in other countries. You will work to contribute to the stability of the company.


Discovery of new business partners is the process of starting an investigation by analyzing the place most related to the product you want to sell and the place where you consume the most, and discovering business partners by participating in overseas exhibitions or using local research and Google search together. It is an ongoing process.

2. A new direction for overseas sales

Overseas online malls are no longer an option, but a must


The field of overseas sales has also changed a lot due to Corona. In the past, B2B was the main focus, such as making deals through meetings with overseas vendors and other related manufacturers through exhibitions offline, but now the world itself has completely changed, and B2C and B2B2C are essential, not optional, even in the way of overseas sales. matter.


In a situation where offline sales are difficult, e-commerce platforms are the most used for market development, and it is an opportunity to advertise and sell products to a lot more people than in Korea, and representative e-commerce platforms include AMAZON and EBAY. , LAZADA, SHOPEE, etc. to pioneer sales.


3. The best way to write a good overseas sales resume
There are many people who want to have a lot of experience abroad by supporting overseas sales. Overseas sales is an attractive job where you can meet various races around the world in real time through overseas exhibitions and online, but you can clearly recognize the difference that comes from diversity. It’s difficult because if you don’t do it, you’ll never succeed.


Therefore, newcomers to overseas sales or those with experience should apply for a job, and the parts that must be emphasized in a resume are as follows.

The first step is to fully understand the product or service where you want to work.
Understand the status of overseas offline and online expansion of the place you want to work
Describe my offline and online experiences and various experiences abroad
Consider in advance how to increase sales channels by adding marketing elements to overseas sales

Since the above is the essence and core of overseas sales, if you write your resume based on the above, you will definitely get good results, and if you prepare for the interview with the above, you will definitely be able to make a good impression.