유튜브 검색기록 삭제 3 ways to delete YouTube search history (computer, iPhone, Android)

유튜브 검색기록 삭제I would like to introduce how to delete YouTube search history on computer, iPhone, and Android. When using YouTube, you may accidentally come across videos that you do not want to show to others. In this case, you can easily reset your YouTube search history by deleting your search history.

If you have difficulty understanding the explanation above, you can follow along by looking at the image below.

Go to the Google site in a browser such as Chrome or Edge. When you click the account icon in the upper right corner of the Google site, Google Account Management appears. Click this to enter.

When you go into Google Account Management, you will see configurable items on the left. Click on Data & Privacy.

Go to Data & Privacy, scroll down, and in the History Settings box you will find YouTube History. Generally, it would be used like the image below. Click this to enter.

When you click on YouTube History, the Activity Controls screen will appear. From here, click on Records Management.

※If you no longer want to keep YouTube search history, click Disable in YouTube history on this screen.

Once you go into your YouTube history, you will see a delete drop box. By clicking on the dropbox, you can specify the scope for deleting YouTube search history. Select the desired period to delete your search history.

Also explained with images. You can easily delete YouTube history on Android and iPhone using the same method, so just follow along.

When you tap the account icon in the upper right corner of the iPhone or Android YouTube app, the account management screen appears.

From here, scroll down and go to Settings. If you go down in Settings, you’ll find full history management about halfway down. Tap the item.

When you go into full history management, the YouTube history screen will appear, similar to a computer screen. Click Delete in the middle and specify the period for deletion to complete deleting YouTube search history on your iPhone.

If you want to stop saving your viewing history, you can stop saving your viewing history by clicking on the part that says saving your viewing history on this screen.

So far, we have introduced you to how to delete YouTube search history on your computer, iPhone, and Android. I hope you find this information useful.

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