우편물 주소변경 Post Office Address Change Service (How to Change Mail Receiving Address) – Living Information

우편물 주소변경The post office address change service refers to a mail receiving address change service that allows you to receive mail listed at your previous address to your moved (new) address if your address has changed due to a move-in report, moving, etc. You can apply not only at the post office, but also at civil service 24, government 24, and community centers. It is also called ‘mail transfer service’, but the official name at the post office is ‘residence transfer mail transfer service’.

1. Mail transfer location delivery service (payment/cancellation)
– This is a service that pays a fee or cancels the fee for the ‘mail address transfer service’ requested along with the move-in report at Civil Service 24, Government 24, Community Center, etc. for other reasons such as moving.

2. Mail transfer location delivery service (cancellation)
– This is a service that allows you to cancel part or all of the ‘mail transfer service’ applied for at Civil Service 24, Government 24, or Community Center for reasons such as moving.

3. Relocation mail delivery service (application/cancellation)
– This is the post office address change service that we will learn about today. As explained above, this is a service that allows you to receive mail from your previous address due to moving, etc., to the address you have changed (moved to) by applying for a change of address. You can apply, add, extend, or cancel through the post office. However, minors cannot apply for address change service at the Internet Post Office.

In addition, for reasons such as personal information protection, you cannot apply for mail forwarding service for household members other than yourself through the Internet. You can apply for an address change by visiting an offline post office or local community center. In addition, you can apply online only after submitting a move-in report.

※ Notice
– If a lawsuit is in progress, you must separately report the location of service to the court in accordance with Article 185, Paragraph 1 of the Civil Procedure Act.
– After the post office address change service is launched, if the mail is not delivered due to the recipient’s absence, the mail will be returned to the sender with the changed address indicated.

※ Post office address change service price
Free use is available for up to 3 months only in the same region. Please refer to the region classification below.

※ Region classification

How to change the post office mail receiving address

① Access the Internet Post Office (www.epost.go.kr) homepage via the shortcut and go to ‘Residence Relocation Service Application/Payment/Cancellation’ in the overall menu.

② Click number 3 to apply for ‘Residence Relocation Mail Delivery Service’. Currently, only individual customers can apply, and business customers can only apply by visiting the nearest post office.

③ You must log in, but if you do not have an ID, you can apply as a non-member, so please log in using the method that is convenient for you.

④ You must fill out an application form to apply for the post office address change service. Please enter your address before moving, address change details, your contact information, service start date, number of months to apply, and then enter your order password. As mentioned above, you can use the service for free for 3 months in the same area, so please choose the number of months to apply carefully.

Check international express mail post office EMS delivery tracking and rate table.
If you are curious about how to track EMS delivery, which is an international express mail, and how the fees are calculated, you may want to refer to this. In particular, these days, as we move into an international society, many parcels and mail are sent overseas.

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