우체국 인터넷뱅킹 공인인증서 발급/재발급 방법 How to issue/reissue a post office internet banking certificate

Go to Post Office Internet Banking Homepage
우체국 인터넷뱅킹
How to use the Post Office Internet Banking website
A post office that also serves as a bank! Because of its high stability, many people are looking for it these days. Just as most banking services can be handled through Internet banking, Post Bank can also handle basic banking services such as deposits and installment savings as well as transfers through Internet banking.

Let’s take a look at the simple inquiry service that you can use by accessing the Post Office Internet Banking page. If you access the post office deposit insurance site, you can check the corresponding menu on the main screen. If you want to know about the simple insurance service in this regard, please refer to the link immediately below.


Post office internet banking insurance contract inquiry
Let’s find out how to access the Postal Deposit Insurance or Postal Internet Banking site to inquire about simple insurance contracts. If you enter your name and resident registration number, select an authentication method, and authenticate, you can check immediately. First, access the site that provides the service. Click the [Simple Insurance Service] item in the middle of the main screen. For postal insurance policyholders, you can use some services such as insurance premium payment and contract matters only by checking financial certificates, joint certificates, Kakao Pay certificates, and PASS certificates. To use all services provided by Postal Insurance, such as refund loans and insurance money payments, contract…


By using the simple inquiry service, you can easily inquire about your current post office deposit transaction history, insurance payment review progress, check inquiry or exchange rate inquiry without logging in to Internet banking.

Deposit transaction history inquiry and new account number inquiry services are only available for accounts registered as simple accounts. You can search the transaction history for the post office savings account registered as a simple account, and it is available only to customers who have applied for simple inquiry without logging in with a joint certificate.

Transaction details can be viewed for the last 3 months, and if the account password is incorrect 5 times, it is registered as an accident and can be used after canceling the accident registration. Check inquiry is a simple inquiry to see if there is an accident report at the time of inquiry about cashier’s checks issued by the post office. It has no legal effect and can be reported even after inquiry.

In the case of exchange rate inquiry, you can check the exchange rate of major currencies of each country in the world based on the won. Select the search date and click the [Search] button. In addition, you can search for new account numbers, heir financial details, and university tuition payment results.

[Source] Post Office Internet Banking Simple Inquiry Service |

우체국 인터넷뱅킹

As of 2:24 PM, it’s not working.

How many pass authentications are there?

It’s not 19:00 and 7:00 in the evening ㅠㅠ

Even though I recognized that I was already a certified customer, I still need to get pass certification.

Still, the #post office_communication_unstable_are you kidding me?

Withdrawal is definitely done at 19:55

The deposit and withdrawal text message notification fee is definitely subtracted.

It’s not 21:03 ㅠㅠ

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May 9, 2023 10:33 no

It starts around 15:00!!

As for the iPhone standard, pass authentication is performed immediately without deleting the app

I can’t see the square box and it’s so fast!!!!
[Source] [Postal Error] Erai Post Office Internet Banking Post Office Banking App (App) Access Failure|Author Skybi