우체국 익일특급 시간 Post office courier next-day delivery time (next-day express delivery type fee accepted)

우체국 익일특급 시간usefulness of inquiry

To use the fastest service among postal courier deliveries, you must use next-day delivery. The existing same-day express delivery service was the fastest, but the use of the service has ended. Therefore, if you want to use the fast delivery service from the post office, you must use next-day delivery.

It was a fast delivery system that arrived on the day I received it. It was available until 2022, but the same-day express service, which was delivered using KTX, ended on April 1, 2023 due to the abolition of the KORAIL delivery service, and is no longer available.

① End of same-day express service between metropolitan area ↔ regional area (’23. 1. 1.) ☞ Service within the same area ends in ’23. Operates until 3. 31.
② Nationwide same-day express service ends (’23. 4. 1.)

This is the fastest delivery service available through post offices in 2023. Next day express will arrive the next day after receipt.
In Jeju, Eup, and Myeon areas, arrival may be delayed compared to next-day express.

You can apply for delivery service by visiting the window directly, or you can request a visit after receiving it at the Internet Post Office or Mobile Post Office.

If you visit the window in person, applications are accepted from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, and reception is not accepted on weekends and public holidays.
If you want to visit where I am, the application for admission is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Post office courier delivery application

1. Visit reception

2. Counter reception

Same-day delivery service is currently closed and unavailable. Next-day delivery can also be delivered the next day, so please use the fastest next-day delivery.

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우체국 익일특급 시간
