요소수 가격 및 주입시기, 재고확인 방법 Urea price, injection time, and inventory check method

Due to the urea water crisis, it is very difficult to find a place that sells urea water. Before this incident, it was very easy to purchase urea. We have summarized how to find a store selling urea water and the prices of places where it is currently sold.

요소수 가격

요소수 가격

For regular diesel passenger cars, urea is replenished once every 5,000 km to 10,000 km, and for SUVs, it is replenished once every 8,000 km to 12,000 km. However, large vehicles require one can of urea water every 300 to 400 km.


People who drive delivery vehicles such as pickup trucks are more concerned than other diesel vehicles.

Number of urea stores & prices & things to note
1. Find on Naver Map
How to find a urea water store

How to find the number of elements on Naver Map

First, I will tell you how to find a urea water store. If you search for ‘lubricants’ in the search bar on ‘Naver Map’, a list of stores will appear.


Urea store
Urea store
When you select it, some places say the number of elements and some do not, so you have to call and find out. It feels a bit cumbersome, but it’s good if you can find it and buy it cheaply.

2. Find it at Carrot Market


Number of Carrot Market Elements
Number of Elements – Carrot Market
This article was posted 5 days ago as of the 7th. It is said to be sold for 1,400 won per liter at Jukjeon Service Area.


Carrot Market element count information
Number of Elements – Carrot Market Information
This article was posted on November 5th. Jangji IC S-oil says they have 800L in stock.


Where to buy urea water
Where to buy urea water
The article states that the highway rest area ‘Anseong Machum Rest Area’ is selling it even though the price has doubled.


3. Find on Naver Cafe
How to find the number of elements on Naver Cafe
How to find the number of elements on Naver Cafe
If you search for ‘Yeosoo’ in the Naver Cafe tab, you can see information sharing posts in the cafe. If you select the article about finding the number of elements and look at it, you can find information about the store in the comments.


The comment I found says that ‘Yangjae Branch Costco’ sells four 3.6L bottles for 15,000 won.

4. Be careful about direct transactions of urea water
When purchasing from Carrot, never deposit money first. Please meet in person to check the number of elements and pay. Please pay particular attention to posts that say sales are based on the number of elements deposited. I saw a post saying that someone was scammed.


Be careful when purchasing whole or opened urea water. It is said that posts asking for empty urea water are posted on Carrot.


For those who transport cargo, their livelihood depends on it, so please do not scam them like this.


Free sharing of elements
Free sharing of elements
Still, I see heartwarming posts like this. I occasionally saw carrots being given away for free. It is said that storage conditions such as temperature are important for the quality of urea. When purchasing directly from overseas or through a purchasing agent, be sure to check carefully before purchasing.