연회비 없는 후불하이패스 카드 A comprehensive list of recommended postpaid Hi-pass cards, comparing all benefits from cards without annual fees

연회비 없는 후불하이패스 카드BankSerch: Smart Financial Analysis

Today, we will compare the annual fees and benefits of various postpaid Hi-pass cards currently available in Korea. We will compare various cards at a glance, from postpaid Hi-pass cards with no annual fee to postpaid cards that come with rechargeable cards and other benefits.

There are Hi-pass-only lanes and general lanes at highway tollgates, and postpaid Hi-pass cards can use both lanes.

Postpaid Hi-pass cards usually have an annual fee of 2,000 won. However, there is the only Hi-pass card in Korea that does not have an annual fee. One is postpaid and the other is prepaid rechargeable.
It is the only postpaid Hi-pass card that does not have an annual fee. It is a check card, but it is special in that it is postpaid. However, there is an issuance fee.

*Toll fees are automatically discounted by 20% to 50% during commuting hours (Monday to Friday).

The Hiplus Card is a prepaid rechargeable card, but it has an automatic recharge function, so you can use it like a postpaid Hipass card without having to recharge it every time.

The Hiplus Card also has an initial issuance fee of 5,000 won.

Since the Hiplus Card does not have any special benefits, it is common to use it as an initial Hipass card and then switch to the Hipass card of the credit card company you usually use when you find one.

*Toll fees are automatically discounted by 20% to 50% during commuting hours (Mon-Fri).

Annual fee: 2,000 won
Hyundai Card has a unique Hipass card benefit concept. The Hipass Card cannot exist independently and must be linked to another Hyundai Card. Also, the benefits are linked to the benefits of the linked credit card.

We have looked at almost all the postpaid Hipass cards that you can currently sign up for. Looking through them all, the annual fee is the same, and the toll discount benefits are also the same because they are provided by the Korea Expressway Corporation. So, in the end, you should decide after looking at the discounts and savings benefits provided by each card company, and since the difference in benefits is not that big, it seems that it is common to use the Hi-pass card of the card company you are using.
👉 Please also look at other cards with specialized benefits. ✅ Summary of discounts on telecommunications expenses for 7 KT M Mobile affiliated cards (excluding performance, annual fee) ✅ Shinhan Card Deep Oil Apartment management fee, insurance benefits recognized for performance, performance exclusion, and picking rate (cashback event) ✅ Hyundai Card ⁠Energy Plus Card Edition 2 GS Caltex specialized gas card & Energy Plus app benefits

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