어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to check fines for speeding in child protection zones

While driving, you may commit a speeding violation. In child protection zones, unlike on general roads, different regulations are applied depending on time and speed. When driving, pay attention to child protection zones and check the information below.

어린이 보호구역 속도위반

어린이 보호구역 속도위반

Category: Passenger vehicle standards for speeding violations
Fines (cars/vans) Penalties (cars/vans) Penalty points
Below 20km/h 70,000 won / 70,000 won 60,000 won / 60,000 won 15 points
Exceeding 20Km/h ~ Below 40Km/h 100,000 won / 110,000 won 90,000 won / 100,000 won 30 points
Exceeding 40Km/h ~ Below 60Km/h 130,000 won / 140,000 won 120,000 won / 130,000 won 60 points
Exceeding 60 km/h 160,000 won / 170,000 won 150,000 won / 160,000 won 120 points

Fines and fines are imposed depending on speed in the child protection zone from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Article 88 (4) of the Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act)

For other times, fines corresponding to regular roads will be charged.



[Parking violation in school zone and child protection zone]

Normally, parking is permitted on roads designated as school zones and child protection zones. However, as an exception, buses for commuting to school and vehicles with children’s boarding and disembarkation signs may stop for approximately 5 minutes to allow boarding and disembarkation. If you stop for more than 5 minutes, you will be subject to a fine for illegal parking, and a fine of 120,000 won will be imposed for a passenger vehicle.


**School zone, children’s protection zone, speed, traffic violation inquiry

I’m sure you’ve probably had the experience of feeling something flashing when you pass by a speeding camera. In this case, you can check the crackdown details through the National Police Agency’s Traffic Civil Service 24 website. After verifying your identity, you can check the history of recent speeding, traffic lights, etc. from unmanned enforcement equipment.


Speeding violation in child protection zone
Penalty points for speeding in children’s protection zones

Real-time search for speeding violations in children’s protection zones

National Police Agency Traffic Civil Service 24
National Police Agency traffic complaint 24
You can check on your mobile phone through the National Police Agency’s Traffic Civil Service Call 24 or e-Pine.

After authentication, click on the Recent Enforcement History menu to check the details of what was caught by the enforcement camera up to 3 days ago. You can check more accurately by checking after 7 days.