신한은행 atm 영업시간 Shinhan Bank business hours (shortened) / flexible stores / ATM hours (fee)

Banking is mostly available on smartphones these days, but there are times when you must check at the bank warehouse. In this case, many people find out about Shinhan Bank’s business hours.
신한은행 atm 영업시간

What are Shinhan Bank’s business hours? 신한은행 atm 영업시간
Not only Shinhan Bank, but all banks are shortening their operation by one hour due to COVID-19. The government has announced its intention to lift social distancing, but the shortened period remains unchanged. In fact, it can be very inconvenient for office workers. If you visit in the middle of business hours, you may have to wait for a long time because there are many customers to respond to, which can interfere with your work, so you may naturally postpone your banking work.​ 이베이스매뉴얼

Therefore, we hope that you must check the bank’s business hours before visiting. As the general Shinhan Bank business hours have been shortened by an hour, we are open from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Lunch time is also from 11:30 to 1:30 pm.

Flexible Shinhan Bank business hours
What is a store?
Lunchtime may feel very long, but bank employees take turns eating, so there is no problem with working at the bank during lunchtime. However, if the existing bank employees were 10 minutes, it means that 5 people use the meal time by dividing it by 1 hour, so if you visit a store with a lot of customers, the waiting time may be a little longer.

Some regional branches are operating flexible stores. A flexible store means a place that is operated differently from the general business hours of a bank. You can tell by type. Since quite a few places across the country are operating with flexible store hours, if you have not finished the bank warehouse business hours before 3:30 on weekdays, it is best to search for flexible stores around you and see the business.