신규사업자 대출 Kakao Bank Individual Business Owner Guarantee Loan

신규사업자 대출Up to KRW 100 million
0.5% to 2.0% per annum
Credit Guarantee Foundation Guarantee (85% to 100%)
2 to 7 years
Copyright tax burden when applying for a loan exceeding KRW 50 million
Lease contract (business lease contract, residence lease contract)
Loan application hours: 09:00 to 21:00, 365 days a year
Loan execution hours: 09:00 to 16:00 on business days
Loan interest rate = base rate + additional rate
In the case of interest support products, [loan interest rate – interest support rate] is applied.
If there is an unpaid amount as of the monthly interest payment date, the delinquency interest rate is applied as follows.
The right to cancel an illegal contract refers to the right to cancel the contract if the bank violates the suitability, appropriateness, and explanation obligations stipulated in the 「Financial Consumer Protection Act」, or if it enters into a loan contract through unfair trade practices or unfair solicitation.

신규사업자 대출
