스타벅스 기프티콘 사용법 How to use Starbucks Gifticon, is it possible to use other menus?

스타벅스 기프티콘 사용법Starbucks Gifticon is a convenient service that allows you to present a variety of Starbucks beverages or products. In this topic, we will take a brief look at how to use Starbucks Gifticons.

At Starbucks, where you order a menu, it says ‘Order Here’. When you go to the place where you order, there is a scanner that can recognize barcodes along with payment devices. It’s a machine that lights up red occasionally to recognize barcodes. Just bring the barcode here and you’re done!

I don’t think other franchises are like that, but only Starbucks has a phenomenon where barcodes keep reading. Maybe this will be fixed someday? If you keep holding the barcode, there is a phenomenon where it is scanned repeatedly while saying ‘beep beep beep’, so you have to scan it quickly and release your hand. As soon as you hear the ‘beep’ sound, immediately take your hand away.
Do I have to eat the menu on the gifticon unconditionally? no! Starbucks Gifticon can be exchanged for any menu you want. Drink upgrades are available for an additional fee.

For example, an Americano gift card can be exchanged for a more expensive drink such as a latte or frappuccino. However, the difference must be paid in cash or by card.

Conversely, even if the product is exchanged for a cheaper drink, there will be no refund or remaining balance. If you request changes to this part, the staff will let you know. We will inform you verbally that “the difference will be forfeited and non-refundable”.

So, there are many cases that usually eat gifticon drinks as they are.
Cash receipts can be processed for gifticons, so be sure to apply. Gifticon is unique in that it is not the person who purchased the gift, but the person who received the gift using the gifticon can benefit from the cash receipt. If you directly enter the number for issuing a cash receipt into the terminal when paying for Gifticon, you can receive an income deduction, so issuing it is recommended.
When you purchase a drink with a Starbucks Gifticon, you can ask if it’s ‘take out’. ‘Take-out’ originally meant to consume a beverage outside the store, and could be interpreted as ‘take-out’. When I ask, “Are you going to take out?”, answer whatever you want. You can answer no if you are going to eat at the store. “Are you going to eat?” they ask. It seems that each employee has a slightly different way of asking questions. The opposite of take out is ‘eat-in’ or ‘for here’.
If you say take out, a Starbucks employee will ask if you would like to put your drink in a suitcase. A carrier is usually made of paper and refers to a small bag for carrying drinks. If you want to carry a drink in your hand, just say you don’t need a carrier. If the gifticon has a cake menu, please tell us how many spoons you need.
Starbucks Gifticon transactions are also available. However, we do not recommend selling gifticons as they have a great meaning as gifts due to the nature of the product. Why don’t you enjoy a delicious drink with gratitude? In addition, there is a risk of fraud or duplicate use in transactions, so you should make a careful decision when purchasing Gifticons between individuals.

Seong Jun-hai
Sweet Busan
Seong Jun-hai
Seong Jun-hai
Seong Jun-hai

스타벅스 기프티콘 사용법
