세븐일레븐 택배 가격 7-Eleven courier price summary

Being able to send parcels from convenience stores is very convenient.

It is a useful system for those who do not have free time, such as working or students.

GS Convenience Store and CU Convenience Store both offer home delivery service, but today we will look at 7-Eleven delivery service prices. 세븐일레븐 택배 가격


세븐일레븐 택배 가격



The gs convenience store courier service and the cu convenience store courier service have the same affiliate, so the courier delivery price is the same, but the 7-Eleven courier service has a different affiliate destination.


7-Eleven delivery services are available 24 hours a day, starting at KRW 2,600. 비지니스헬퍼

However, since it is affiliated with Lotte Parcel Delivery, it is the same as Lotte Parcel Delivery’s rate rules.








7-Eleven courier prices are divided into small/medium/large sizes and differ depending on whether they are in the same area or a different area.

The Jeju area, which is an island area, is the most expensive, including airfare.


Small items weighing 10 kg or 120 cm or less are 4,000 won in the same area, 5,000 won in other areas, and 7,000 won in Jeju.


For medium-sized packages under 20kg and 140cm, the price of 7-Eleven parcel delivery in the same area is 5,000 won, 6,000 won in other areas, and 8,000 won in Jeju.


The large size is 25 km, 160 cm or less, 6,000 won in the same area, 7,000 won in other areas, and 9,000 won in the Jeju area.






Also, please note that premium or discount rates may be applied depending on the condition of perishable cargo or damaged goods.


This concludes the summary of 7-Eleven delivery prices.