세금미납조회 Tax unpaid inquiry ed by an audit, comp

What is Tax Unpaid Inquiry: A Comprehensive Guide for Taxpayers

Paying taxes is a fundamental obligation of every citizen that contributes to the development of the country. It includes a transfer of money from individuals or businesses to the government to fund public goods and services. Failing to file taxes can lead to a tax unpaid inquiry.

What is a Tax Unpaid Inquiry?

A tax unpaid inquiry is a formal notice issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to a taxpayer who has failed to pay their taxes or file their returns. It is an effort by the IRS to recover the unpaid amount, including interests and penalties. The inquiry can be initiated by an audit, computer-generated notice, or collection activities.

Why a Tax Unpaid Inquiry is Issued?

The IRS will issue an inquiry if they have reason to believe that a taxpayer has not paid their taxes or filed their returns. Some of the common reasons for a tax unpaid inquiry include:

– A discrepancy between what the taxpayer reported on their return and what the IRS has on record.
– Unreported income or over-claimed deductions.
– Failure to file tax returns or make payments.

What Should You Do If You Receive a Tax Unpaid Inquiry?

If you receive a tax unpaid inquiry, the first thing to do is not panic. The notice will include instructions on how to respond and appeal the inquiry. It is advisable to consult a tax professional to help you understand your options and obligations.

How to Resolve a Tax Unpaid Inquiry?

The best way to resolve a tax unpaid inquiry is to pay the outstanding amount as soon as possible. If you cannot pay the entire amount, you can work with the IRS to set up a payment plan or offer in compromise. Responding to the inquiry on time, providing all the required records, and showing a willingness to cooperate with the IRS can also help resolve the inquiry.

What Are the Consequences of Ignoring a Tax Unpaid Inquiry?

Ignoring a tax unpaid inquiry can lead to serious consequences, including:

– Increased penalties and interests.
– Seizure of bank accounts, wages, and other assets.
– A lien on your property that can lead to its sale to pay the tax debt.
– Legal action or possible criminal charges.


A tax unpaid inquiry is a formal notice by the IRS to a taxpayer who has failed to pay their taxes or file their returns. It is important to respond to the inquiry and work with the IRS to resolve the issue. Ignoring the notice can lead to serious consequences, including legal action and criminal charges. If you receive a tax unpaid inquiry, it is advisable to consult a tax professional to help you understand your options and obligations.


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