서울시 임산부 교통비 지원 신청 How to apply for and use transportation support for pregnant women in Seoul (feat. Mom Book Dotum Project)

서울시 임산부 교통비 지원 신청The Seoul Metropolitan Government’s Transportation Expense Support Project for Pregnant Women is a project that supports healthy childbirth and reduces financial burden by providing transportation expenses to pregnant women with transportation disabilities. Any pregnant woman who has been registered as a resident of Seoul for more than 6 months can apply, and transportation expenses of 700,000 won are provided.

The application deadline is from the 3rd month of pregnancy (12th week) to 3 months after childbirth. Regarding the expiration date, if you apply during pregnancy, you must use it within 12 months from the expected date of delivery, and if you apply for transportation expenses after giving birth, you must apply within 12 months from the child’s birth date (resident registration date).

You can apply online or by visiting the local community center in person. Since online application is convenient in many ways, we will introduce the online application method.

The first thing to check is whether you have a card from the relevant credit card company.
If you do not have a card from the above credit card companies, you must apply for a card first. Once you confirm that you have a card, you can immediately apply for transportation expenses support. If you are applying during your pregnancy, you must do both ① apply on the government’s 24 website and ② apply on the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s transportation expenses support website for pregnant women. If you are applying after giving birth, you do not need to apply on the government’s 24 website; you can simply apply on the ‘Seoul City Transportation Expense Support Website for Pregnant Women’ website.

Let’s look at both stages of application based on the case of applying during pregnancy.
After accessing the Government 24 website, click ‘Service – Service Application – One-Stop Service – Convenient Pregnancy Application – Convenient Pregnancy Online Integrated Processing Application’. After agreeing to the use/provision of personal information, enter the applicant information, fill in the pregnancy-related information, and press the inquiry button. Information about the medical institution where the pregnancy was confirmed will be automatically displayed!

Government 24 Application for transportation expenses support for pregnant women

In addition to the transportation cost support project, you can apply for government support services for pregnant women all at once, such as convenient KTX and SRT pregnant women discounts, National Happiness Card pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses support, and energy vouchers. If there is a service you want, please check it out.
Pregnancy support application list

Next, the ‘Pregnancy support services by local government’ item appears. If you click on service inquiry here, you can view transportation expense support projects. If you click on whether to apply and proceed to the next step, the required documents will appear, but if they are not applicable, they will be displayed as ‘Not Applicable’. Finally, click ‘Submit a complaint’ to complete the application.

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The representative portal of the Korean government that integrates and provides government services, civil complaints, policies and information

First, go to the Seoul City Transportation Expense Support website for pregnant women and sign up as a member. After signing up, enter your pregnancy/birth information and select the card company for your card. Finally, simply click the apply button to complete your application for transportation expenses support.

Transportation expense support website for pregnant women

Seoul Mom Care – Transportation expenses for pregnant women in Seoul
Seoul Mom Care – This is the website for transportation expenses for pregnant women in Seoul. You can apply for transportation expenses support for pregnant women and check the status of use of the subsidy.
Once the application is completed, you will receive a KakaoTalk notification that the application has been completed. Once processing is complete, you will receive a text message from your credit card company with information regarding a transportation voucher. It’s simple to use. Points for transportation expenses are credited to the card you choose, and when you pay with the card at the point of use, the amount is deducted equal to the amount used.

Transportation fee points can be used for public transportation (bus, subway, taxi), private car fuel, and railroad (train). ’23. As of April 12, the use of points has been expanded to include railways, but it is said that points can only be used when making reservations on the KORAIL website.

You can also apply for the Mom Book Dotum service on the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s transportation support website for pregnant women. At the end of the transportation subsidy application step that I mentioned earlier, you can easily complete the application by checking ‘I will apply for the Mom Uplifting Service’ below and clicking the application button.
Mom encouragement service

The Mom Book Dotum project provides a desk containing ‘1 mom and dad book + your child’s first 2 books + city childcare policy information.’ In the case of the mom and dad book, it contains infant parenting information that is helpful to prospective parents. Seo, my child’s first book is a picture book for prenatal education during pregnancy and a reading picture book that can promote communication with the child after birth. It is said that information on Seoul City’s childcare policies related to childcare, such as the Mom and Dad Happiness Project, is also provided, so it would be a good idea to apply for transportation expenses support together. The support target and application deadline are the same as the transportation expenses support project.

Today, we looked into useful information about Seoul City’s transportation expenses support project for pregnant women, including who is eligible for support, what is supported, how to apply, application deadline and expiration date, and where to use it. Any pregnant woman living in Seoul should not miss out on the 700,000 won transportation cost subsidy benefit and apply for it.


서울시 임산부 교통비 지원 신청
