생리주기 빨라짐 What is the reason for faster menstrual cycle? :: Regular life

생리주기 빨라짐Your menstrual cycle can speed up or slow down for a variety of reasons. If there is a difference of about a week, it is within the normal range, but there is a possibility that there is a hidden disease as the cause of the menstrual cycle becoming faster than this. Today, we looked into the normal menstrual cycle and the causes of it getting faster.

Women have repeated menstrual cycles in preparation for pregnancy until they reach menopause. A normal menstrual cycle lasts 25 to 38 days. Your menstrual cycle will get faster by a few days. If the difference is less than a week, there is no need to worry. However, caution is needed if your next period occurs within 24 days.

The human body is not a machine, so when you are stressed or fatigued, your condition may deteriorate and your menstrual cycle may occur earlier or later. In this case, you can get your cycle back to normal by getting enough rest and eating well.

imbalance of female hormones
When stress accumulates on the body due to lack of sleep, excessive stress, and dieting, and female hormones are not secreted properly, frequent menstruation occurs.
corpus luteum dysfunction
This means that sufficient hormones are not secreted from the corpus luteum produced after ovulation and secretory changes in the endometrium do not occur. It is one of the causes of infertility in women.
Implantation bleeding due to pregnancy
If you are experiencing small amounts of bleeding that lasts for several days starting a week before your period is due, it may be implantation bleeding. For those who may be pregnant, it is recommended to check with a test.

Menstrual cycle becomes faster in those in their 50s
As you reach menopause, your menstrual cycle and amount change. Due to faster than normal cycles, which can be done twice a month, blood volume is reduced. However, menstruation occurs once every two months or once every four to five months, and if menstruation does not occur for more than a year, it is diagnosed as menopause.
low body temperature
When the body gets cold, the health of the ovaries deteriorates, and what causes the body to get cold is a lack of muscle mass, so it is necessary to exercise regularly. Those whose menstrual cycle is frequently disrupted should make it a habit to exercise moderately to improve blood circulation and increase body temperature.

Acceleration due to disease
If your next menstruation occurs within 24 days due to an accelerated menstrual cycle, there is a possibility of some disease. A menstrual cycle of less than 24 days is called frequent menstruation and may indicate shortened follicular period or corpus luteum dysfunction. Follicular period shortening is a shortening of the follicular period, and luteal dysfunction is a shortening of the luteal phase. Thyroid disease may be suspected as the cause of a short menstrual cycle in the 30s and 40s. If you have hypothyroidism, your menstrual cycle becomes more likely to be disrupted, and if you have hyperthyroidism, your menstrual bleeding may decrease and you may become infertile. An accelerated menstrual cycle may be irregular bleeding caused by some disease. As diseases such as vaginitis, uterine cancer, and uterine fibroids may be the cause, it is necessary to get tested if you feel anything different from usual.

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