배달의민족 고객센터 Baedal Minjok Customer Center phone number / Woowa Brothers counselor connection / Baemin Call Center phone number :: HunLog

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This blog is for information sharing on IT computing, the entertainment world, and various tips.
Baedal Minjok Customer Center phone number / Woowa Brothers counselor connection / Baedal Minjok Call Center representative phone number

Let’s learn about Baedal Minjok, a Korean delivery order service brand operated by Woowa Brothers.
How should I ask questions or questions about Baedal Minjok?
Baedal Minjok has a representative phone number similar to the customer center.
Please solve it by contacting customer center.

Baedal Minjok Customer Center phone number


Please note that this is as of October 3, 2020 and may change over time.
Resolve your questions quickly through the customer center!
thank you

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