주식 코인 물타기 계산기(feat 평단가 계산기) Stock coin floating calculator (feat average price calculator)

It would be nice to always see positive results when investing in stocks, but there are many cases where you see negative results without even having time to take action. At this time, you are agonizing over whether to cut your losses or take the plunge. We will tell you everything from how to use the stock divestment calculator, which is essential for those who make additional purchases and lower the rating, and hold on with peace of mind, to automatic calculators that can be used for free.

물타기 계산기

물타기 계산기

1. What is stock trading?

2. How to calculate stock profits

3. Stock divestment calculator



stock price calculator
stock price calculator



1. What is stock trading?

In stock investment terms, diving refers to a method of purchasing additional stocks over a certain period of time (scale trading) in order to lower the average purchase price of the stocks you own when the average purchase price is higher than the current stock price. Simply put, it is a transaction where additional purchases are made to lower the average purchase price when the stock price falls.


However, if you use it incorrectly, your losses may increase, so you must decide very carefully.




stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator



2. How to calculate stock profits




If the quantity you are currently purchasing is higher than the quantity of stocks you purchased, you can lower your average price. Waterboarding is done using this principle. Let’s look at the calculation method in the following example.


For example, if the principal before divestiture is 1 million won and you make 1 million won after divesting, you can see that the current rate of return is increasing.


Before getting into the water => After getting into the water of 1 million won
Principal Appraised Amount Return Principal Appraised Amount Return
1 million won 800,000 won -20% 2 million won 1.8 million won -10%

As shown in the table above, if 1 million won is invested, the rate of return decreases from -20% to -10%, but the loss is still 200,000 won.


In another example, I bought 10 shares of a stock worth 1 million won, but the stock price fell to 500,000 won. If you purchase an additional 20 shares, the average purchase price will be approximately 660,000 won.


How to calculate stock valuation

= 1,000 (1 million won x 10 weeks) + 1,000 (500,000 won


= Current valuation + (Current stock price





stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator



3. Stock divestment calculator




You can calculate them one by one, but we recommend using an automatic calculator to quickly calculate expected profits and losses by substituting more diverse amounts and quantities.



Go to automatic stock trading calculator




You can calculate the average purchase price in advance after making additional purchases, which will help you make an accurate investment.



The stock risk calculator can be used as a reference tool for investment, and you should always keep risk in mind when investing. It is a strategy that can realize high profits in a short period of time, but if stock prices fluctuate differently than expected, it can result in greater losses.

I hope you get good results and become rich!