로또 무료번호 “I will tell you the lotto numbers”… Why won’t this scam go away | Segye Ilbo

로또 무료번호Entered: 2023-06-13 16:05:07 Modified: 2023-06-13 16:12:38
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“We provide numbers with a high probability of winning first place in the lottery. “If you do not win first or second place within a year, you will receive a refund.”

This is a common scam seen on social networking services (SNS) and YouTube. Even though lottery numbers are unpredictable, scammers lure victims with enticing words. “We are different. The victims open their wallets when they hear, “If you don’t win, you’ll get your money back.” Although this type of fraud has been going on for several years, lottery fraud is still rampant as the desire to make a fortune and the desire to make money by deceiving others are mixed.
According to the police on the 13th, from the 7th of last month to the day before, about 100 posts and comments requesting that Company A in Incheon be investigated and punished were posted on the National Police Agency’s free bulletin board. A netizen who wrote on the bulletin board the day before said, “I received a text message from a year ago saying that I had won a prize for ‘getting a free number.’ “I said I wouldn’t mind winning first place in the lottery,” he said. “But to this day, I haven’t even won third place, let alone first place.” He said, “The company just takes the money, and now it’s been 1 year and 4 months and they haven’t answered the phone. It’s frustrating.”

Those who were harmed by this company claimed that the company encouraged them to use the service by saying that it would tell them in advance the lottery numbers that were guaranteed to win, and then collected money and valuables by collecting subscription fees. This is a typical act of fraud under criminal law, deceiving the other party even though he had no intention or ability to provide the lottery numbers.

Last month, the police searched and seized the office of Company A, secured evidence such as a PC and documents, and began an investigation. A police official said, “We have received complaints from dozens of victims and are currently investigating those involved in the incident,” adding, “It is difficult to reveal specific details as the investigation is ongoing.”

Self-proclaimed ‘lotto analysis’ companies, such as Company A, can be easily found online. If you contact them through the number or chat room link listed in the article they are promoting, they will send you a photo of the ‘Big Data National Technology Certification’ manipulated using Photoshop, etc., emphasizing their expertise.

However, the numbers they provide are meaningless numbers. Because lottery numbers are drawn randomly, analysis is not possible in the first place. In fact, in August of last year, the Gyeonggi Northern Police Agency arrested 52 people suspected of operating 92 lottery winning number prediction service sites from July 2012 to June of last year and embezzling approximately 60.7 billion won from 64,104 victims, and prosecutors passed on to As a result of the investigation, the numbers they claimed to have predicted through artificial intelligence (AI) analysis were merely numbers randomly combined by five members of the organization.

An official from the financial sector said, “In a capitalist society, there can be no such thing as unrealistic instant winnings,” and “Giving out lottery numbers is also a ridiculous scam.”
[ⓒ Segye Ilbo & Segye.com, unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited]
Title: Segye Ilbo
17 Seobinggo-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Registration number: Seoul, A03959
Registration date (issue date): November 2, 2015
Publisher: Jeong Hee-taek
Editor: Hwang Jeong-mi
Phone number: 02-2000-1234
Youth Protection Manager: Park Gwang-jae
Copyright ⓒ Segye Ilbo All rights reserved.

로또 무료번호
