부산 동백패스 신청 및 할인 혜택 총정리 Summary of Busan Dongbaek Pass application and discount benefits

Last time, I gave you information about the Dongbaek Pass.

I have come up with a way to get a Dongbaek Pass check card issued in advance.

동백패스 신청

동백패스 신청


Below is the application information for Dongbaekjeon. We have summarized the support targets, application methods, and support details at a glance.


Details on how to apply for the Busan Dongbaek Pass and receive benefits

Details on how to apply for the Busan Dongbaek Pass and receive benefits

Busan Metropolitan City is implementing an integrated discount system to reduce transportation costs for citizens who use public transportation. Today, we will compare in detail how to apply for the Busan Dongbaek Pass and how to receive benefits. Table of Contents 1. Dongbaek Pass Scene


1. Dongbaek Pass implementation date

2. Dongbaek Pass Eligibility

3. Dongbaek Pass transportation

4. Dongbaek Pass benefits and support details

5. Apply for the Dongbaek Pass in advance (receive a check card in advance)

6. Comparison of Dongbaek Pass vs. Economical Transportation Card

Dongbaek Pass-Dictionary-Application-Thumbnail
Dongbaek Pass Pre-Application-Thumbnail

1. Dongbaek Pass implementation date
Effective from August 1, 2023
It will be implemented from August 1, but check cards can be issued in advance (see link below).
Dongbaek Pass check card pre-application (mobile)


Dongbaek Pass Check Card Advance Application (PC)


2. Dongbaek Pass Eligibility
People who applied for Busan Bank Dongbaekjeon check card postpaid transportation service
Anyone over 18 years old and holding a Busan Bank deposit/withdrawal account
A person who has a smartphone in his or her name

3. Dongbaek Pass transportation
Public transportation in Busan Metropolitan City (bus, subway, Donghae Nambu Line, light rail)

4. Dongbaek Pass benefits and support details
If your monthly public transportation fare exceeds 45,000 won, the excess amount is refunded up to 45,000 won.
Example) If your monthly public transportation fare is 60,000 won, you can receive a refund of 15,000 won.



5. Apply for the Dongbaek Pass in advance (receive a check card in advance)
1) Get a Dongbaek Pass check card in advance
Below is the mobile link.
Dongbaek Pass check card pre-application (mobile)


2) Get a Dongbaek Pass check card in advance (PC version)
Below is the PC link
Dongbaek Pass Check Card Advance Application (PC)


3) Apply for Dongbaek Pass (starting August 1)
You can apply from August 1st on the Dongbaekjeon app.
Click here to apply for Dongbaek Pass