동물등록번호 조회방법 How to check animal registration number

Today, we will learn in detail about animal registration number search, pet registration, identification tag, and search. Anyone who plans to live with a pet or is raising one must register the animal at the city, county, or district office nationwide.동물등록번호 조회

동물등록번호 조회

The target is a dog that is over 2 months old and raised for companion purposes. If you do not register, a fine will be imposed, and islands, towns, and counties where animal registration services cannot be handled are excluded.

So why should you register your animal? Because when you lose your pet, you can easily find the owner on the [Animal Protection Information System] website.

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Animal registration number search
Animal registration method

When registering for the first time, you must apply for a visit with the animal to be registered in order to install a wireless identification device on the dog. There are two methods.

Inserting an embedded wireless identification device
Attaching an external wireless identification device
And the microchip (RFID) used for this animal registration is a rice-sized animal medical device coded with a material that does not react to foreign substances in the body, so only products that meet international standards are used, so you do not have to worry too much.

Animal registration number search

So where can I find this animal registration hospital? You can check it right away in the National Animal Protection Information System below. If you access the link below and search for the city, county, or district where you live, it will come up right away.

👉 Find out about animal registration agency hospitals at a glance
Animal registration number search
If a proxy applies, a power of attorney and a copy of an ID card are required, so please contact the registration agency in advance and check and prepare the necessary documents.

After receiving this registration number, it is best to have the owner wear an identification tag that shows the owner’s name, contact information, and animal registration number. This is to prepare for unexpected situations. Then, let’s also find out how to search for an animal registration number.

How to search for animal registration number
It is also very easy to search, but I will proceed under the assumption that the animal has already been registered and that you have registered as a member of the site. First, go to [Animal Protection Management System] and log in.

Then, if you go to the [Animal Registration Change Report] page, you can check the number below, animal registration number, animal name, gender, registration date, and status at a glance.

How to search for animal registration number
If the registered pet owner name and resident registration number do not match, you cannot search for the animal registration number. In this case, it is recommended that you visit the city/county/district office and update the owner information.

I do not have a pet, so it does not appear separately, but if you have already registered, you can easily search.

Report for change in animal registration (lost, deceased, address change, etc.)
You can check the animal registration number like this, but if you have lost your beloved pet or crossed the rainbow bridge one day, it is recommended that you change the status.

When crossing the rainbow bridge
When lost and found
When in possession
You can check the four items above. To report loss or death, click on the animal registration number and report it on the details screen.

How to print an animal registration certificate

Sometimes you may need to print this animal registration certificate. Just follow the steps below.

Click My page > Edit member information at the top of the homepage
Enter all 13 digits of your resident registration number in the resident registration number field and click the Edit button (resident registration number is not entered when you first sign up)
You can print an animal registration certificate from the registered animal change information menu

Animals waiting for approval or dead cannot be printed. What do you think? Isn’t it very easy? Today, we learned about how to search for an animal registration number, change its status, and print it. Thank you.