대학생 햇살론Anytime
📍19 years of age or older ~ 34 years of age or younger and with an annual income of 35 million won or less, college students, young people, etc. are largely divided into job seekers and young adults just starting out in society
– Job seekers: college (graduate) students, credit bank system students, unemployed youth
– New adults: Those who have been employed at small and medium-sized businesses for less than 1 year
📍Guarantee limit (the lowest amount among the following applies)
1) Same person limit
– Up to 12 million won per day per person
2) Limit by period
– General living expenses: 6 million won per year
– Special purpose funds: 9 million won per year
3) Limit by purpose
– General living expenses: 3 million won per time
– Special purpose funds: 9 million won per time
💡Special purpose funds: Academic and job preparation funds, medical expenses, housing expenses
📍Guarantee period
1) College students
– Up to 6 years of grace period
– Up to 10 years of repayment period 7 years
– Maximum guarantee period: 13 years
2) Graduate students, learners of the learning bank system
– Maximum grace period 4 years
– Maximum repayment period 7 years
– Maximum guarantee period: 11 years
3) Unemployed
– Maximum grace period 2 years
– Maximum repayment period 7 years
– Maximum guarantee period: 9 years
4) Fresh graduates (employees of small and medium-sized enterprises for 1 year or less)
– Maximum grace period 1 year
– Maximum repayment period 7 years
– Maximum guarantee period: 8 years
💡An additional grace period (2 years) is granted to those scheduled to enlist in the military (excluding those who have served in the military, those exempted from military service, and women)
📍Loan interest rate and guarantee fee rate
– Job seekers: 4.0%
– Fresh graduates: 4.5%
– Those eligible for social consideration: 3.6%
💡Actual guarantee fee paid varies depending on the amount of guarantee and grace period selected by the applicant
Last modified date: 22. 8. 18.
– A financial product for the common people to help solve financial difficulties of college students and young people and to support successful social advancement and stable economic activities by supporting them to focus on their studies and job preparation
💡Haetsal Loan Youth is operated with the resources of lottery funds. 📍Usage Procedure
1) Guarantee application and document submission: Check basic qualifications and apply for guarantee through the Seogeumwon app → Complete financial education → Non-face-to-face document submission
2) Guarantee review: Information entered in the app → Document submission → Non-face-to-face guarantee review
3) Agreement conclusion and loan execution: Agreement concluded upon guarantee approval → Loan application through the Haetsal Loan Youth Partner Bank app → Bank loan review → Loan execution upon loan approval
📍Common required submission documents
– Real name verification certificate
– Health insurance eligibility acquisition/loss verification certificate
– Income verification documents
💡Health insurance premium payment confirmation, earned income source receipt, income amount verification, etc.
– Bankbook transaction details and verification documents
– Business registration fact verification
– Resident registration copy (including military service history)
💡When confirmation of military enlistment is required (when requesting an additional grace period)
– Employment contract
💡Fixed-term, When confirmation of short-term employment is required
– Local tax tax certificate by item
💡When confirmation of high income is required
💡Check the announcement for documents according to other qualification requirements
📍Preferential services by handling office and bank (as of September 2021)
1) Jeonbuk Bank
– Preferential credit loan interest rate: Additional reduced interest rate of 1.0%p (excluding fixed-rate loans when preferential conditions are met)
– Preferential term deposit and savings interest rate: Additional additional interest rate of 0.2%p
– Preferential various fees: Automated machines, electronic finance, SMS, etc. (highest customer rating level)
2) Shinhan Bank
– Preferential interest rate for side-loan and mid-interest loan: 0.2%p preferential
– Preferential savings interest rate: Preferential interest rate provided for youth-only savings
3) Industrial Bank of Korea
– Preferential fee: Exemption from automated machines and electronic finance fees
– Loan linkage: Support for credit loans for young people working in small and medium-sized enterprises for full-time borrowers (2.9% per year)
– Support for job activities: Use of SME specialized job platform
1) People’s Finance Call Center (1397 without area code)
2) Partner bank call center
– IBK Industrial Bank ☎1566-2566
– Shinhan Bank ☎1599-8000
– Jeonbuk Bank ☎1588-4477
People’s Finance Promotion Agency / 1397
※ The information in this post is for reference only, and the announcement-related content may change without separate notice. For detailed information, please contact the relevant organization.