당근마켓 PC버전 Carrot Market PC Version

Do you often use Carrot Market?

If you used Naver Jungongnara a lot in the past

Because there are so many second-hand country scams

The carrot market, where you can trade locally, is popular.

But the downside is that it can only be used on the phone.

Let’s see how to use the PC version of Carrot Market.

당근마켓 PC버전

How to use Carrot Market PC version
First of all, using the PC version of Carrot Market 당근마켓 PC버전

Use the web version instead of downloading the program. 좋은뉴스

There is no need to download a separate program.

Just click the carrot chat beta through the link below.

Go to Carrot Market PC Version

Carrot Market PC version login method
You must log in to use the carrot chat beta.

Carrot Market logs in through mobile phone number and QR authentication.

Run the carrot market app – Near me – Take the top QR – Confirm authentication

If you do this authentication

A list of chats you have made to trade in the carrot market will appear.

In this way, you will be able to chat through the carrot market PC version.

How to log out

After clicking your nickname, click Logout or close the web browser.

Alternatively, you will be logged out after a certain period of time.

Disadvantages of the PC version of Carrot Market

– It is a web-based service that is not yet an official version, so only chatting is possible.

– Chat function: Transaction appointment setting, notification function not supported

– You cannot see the other person’s profile, only the nickname can be checked

– You can search for items in the PC version, but chat does not start.

– Chat for purchase is available on PC after applying first on mobile

As it is still a beta service, there are many things that are lacking.

Therefore, I hope that the PC version of the program will be released in the future.

It was a safe and good way to use the used carrot market PC version.