다이소 포인트 사용 How to use Daiso points, how to use membership QR as cash

다이소 포인트 사용0.1% of the amount paid is accumulated as 1P payment per 1,000 won, and 1P is equivalent to 1 won in cash.

I think I’ve accumulated some points, so I’m going to go to the store and try it out, but there are people who want to know how to use it, so I’ll give you a summary of possible ways through this post, so checking this information will be helpful.

As a reference, I would like to inform you that the points earned today cannot be used on the same day and will be converted into points that can be used from the next day.

The way to use Daiso Points is simple, but you need to install the Daiso Membership app on your phone to use it. So, go to the Play Store for Android phones or the App Store for Apple phones, search for ‘DASO Membership’, and then proceed with [Install].

ⓒEuphoria> Image source: Daiso membership app

When you run the app after installation is complete, allow permission and the main screen will open. Click [Sign Up] to check the required items, then [Agree to the terms and conditions and verify your identity].

If you proceed according to the instructions, it will be completed and you will be able to become a member, and then you will be taken to the login page, where you will need to enter your ID and password to access.

If you don’t know your ID because it’s been a while since you’ve been running the Daiso app, you can find it through Find ID, so you can check it out, and when you log in, you’ll know how many points you can use with My Points.

If you want to use the points you have accumulated during payment, please click [Membership QR] at the top.

Then, at the time of payment, the store staff can accumulate and use points with the QR code, but when you try to use it, there is a valid time for scanning recognition, so you can refer to it.

If the scan is not recognized well, you need to try again by making the brightness of your phone a bit brighter. If you press + view larger under the effective time, the QR code is displayed larger, and you can see that only the pop-up part of the screen is brightened, so the scan is recognized again. You can try it.

This way to use Daiso Points is simple, so you can install the Daiso Membership App and use the points you have accumulated so far. If you press the 3-dye line mark at the top left of the main screen of the app, menus such as Membership, Points, Services, and Shop Daiso appear. You can check it out in its entirety, so take a look.

For reference, we inform you that the points accumulated through the event have a expiration date and the period varies, and you can gift the points to others to share the joy, so it will be helpful in many ways.

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다이소 포인트 사용
