다이소 영업시간 알아보기 Find out Daiso’s business hours

Daiso opening hours, business hours, closed days

Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days

다이소 영업시간

다이소 영업시간

In relation to the boycott of Japanese products, the issue of whether Daiso is a Japanese company or not has been an issue for some time. The conclusion is that royalties are being paid to Japan. You have to decide whether to use Daiso or not. This post covers Daiso’s opening hours, business hours, and closed days.

Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days

Daiso opening hours
Daiso is open every day at 10 am. It may vary from store to store, but Daiso’s opening time on the website is listed as 10 o’clock.

Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days

Personally, I misunderstood the opening time of Daiso and ended up waiting in front of it for 30 minutes starting at 9:30. They were preparing to open the store, but I remember not letting them into the store because it wasn’t Daiso’s opening time yet. I didn’t know Daiso’s opening hours, so I made this mistake twice at different stores.


Daiso business hours
Daiso stores’ basic business hours are from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and they operate flexibly by opening early or extending closing hours depending on the store situation. For exact business hours of each Daiso store, you must call the store directly to inquire.

Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days

How to check business hours for each Daiso store

1. Daiso homepage: Store information > Store search > Search for ‘Dongmyeong’

Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days

Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days

The Daiso website does not list the business hours of each store. Previously, business hours were listed, but now only the address and phone number are listed. Perhaps, due to poor accuracy and poor management, they got rid of it completely due to complaints. (guess) So, it would be right to call each Daiso store and check the exact business hours.

Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days

2. Next map

Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days

If you search by area name + Daiso on the following map, Daiso stores located in the corresponding neighborhood will be found, and business hours and phone numbers will be listed. Some Daiso stores have business hours listed, while others do not. As expected, it would be best to call the store to inquire about the exact business hours of Daiso. Because you can’t go in vain.


Daiso closed days
There are no designated closing days for Daiso stores nationwide. There is no notice of closure on the Daiso website either. However, it may vary from store to store, but it seems that many places are only closed on Chuseok and Lunar New Year’s Day.

As with business hours, the most accurate method is to call the store on closed days.

Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days Daiso opening hours, Daiso business hours, Daiso closed days
Daiso is now in front of us wherever we go. As of 2018, there are 1,300 stores nationwide and sales are close to 2 trillion won. This means that a lot of people use it. So, what I hope is that it will be transformed into a company with 100% domestic capital rather than Japanese equity. I hope no more royalties go to Japan.


This concludes the posting regarding Daiso opening hours, business hours, and closed days. thank you