농협카드 포인트 사용방법 및 사용처 정리 How to use Nonghyup Card Points and where to use them

How to use Nonghyup card points
농협카드 포인트

Many people who use credit cards well so far miss out on the benefits they are receiving than they thought. The point service is a benefit that you can enjoy as much as you use it. Excessive credit card use puts households at risk, but if you spend wisely, you can benefit from it. If you do not know how to use Nonghyup card points so far, please check accordingly.


I made my first Nonghyup account and check card when I was in middle school and have only been using Nonghyup check cards until now, at the age of 24.

Except for when he used the love of country card in the army, he only used Nonghyup check cards.

By the way, did you know that points accumulate when you use Nonghyup check card?

농협카드 포인트

When I didn’t know anything, I saw how the check card points were accumulated wow,,,,

I was happy with the unexpected money and immediately bought the chicken.

If it were me now, I would be trading stocks in decimal points.

Anyway, this time, let’s find out how to check and withdraw Nonghyup check card points.

Apps needed for points

To check your points, you need to install the NH Members app.

It is impossible to check in NH Cock Bank, which is normally used.

How to check your points

When you enter the NH Members app, you are prompted to log in.

If you are not a member, you can sign up as a member through KakaoTalk.

Log in and select My Points.

If you select My Points, you can see how many points you have accumulated.

I withdrew two months ago, and I have already accumulated 3,668 points.

Hahaha~ I should buy and sell Tesla decimal points.


How to withdraw points

Now let’s see how to withdraw points.

Let’s go back to the NH Members home screen.

Select the three lines in the upper-right corner of the home screen.

Choose the cashback you see in the middle.

Next, enter your account information in your name.

It should be noted that the cashback service hours are from 04:01 to 23:45.

It’s 00:28 at the time I’m writing this, but I need to have lunch and transfer money to my account.

How to get extra points

There is a way to get points without paying with a debit card.

Attendance check and The Dream Quiz.

2 points are accumulated for each attendance check.

The Dream Quiz is not given every day, but at a specific period.

The Dream Quiz this time runs from December 1st to December 11th.

In The Dream Quiz, even if you get it wrong, chances are given, so if you don’t know, take pictures until you get the correct answer.

If you answer correctly, you can receive random points ranging from 1 point to 5,000 points.


Above, we looked at how to check and withdraw Nonghyup check card points.
[Source] How to check and withdraw Nonghyup check card points | Author Diablo