네이버 카페 탈퇴 Leave Naver Cafe

Hello, Today I would like to explain how to leave Naver Cafe. There are various situations, such as when I don’t feel the need to stay here anymore, or I want to move my main account to another account, so I want to cleanly leave all the cafes here.

네이버 카페 탈퇴

How to leave Naver Cafe Thumbnail 네이버 카페 탈퇴

However, the path to leave the cafe is in a location that is difficult to find, both on PC and Mobile. It is probably in an automatically invisible position so that you do not leave the cafe. So, let’s get to the point and tell you how to leave the cafe right away.



How to leave Naver Cafe (PC) 좋은뉴스
How to leave Naver Cafe PC(1)
(1) First, go to the Naver main screen and click the cafe button under your profile on the right side of the screen.


How to leave Naver Cafe PC(2)
(2) Then, the cafes you are subscribed to will appear. From here, select the cafe you want to leave and click on it.


How to leave Naver Cafe PC(3)
(3) After entering, scroll all the way down to the bottom.

Cafe – Leave – Button – Click
How to leave Naver Cafe PC(4)
(4) If you go down to the bottom, you will see the Leave Cafe button on the left side of the screen. This will end your resignation.




If there is a post you wrote before you leave, it will be deleted.

Even if you cancel your membership, the records you wrote will remain forever, so we recommend that you delete all of your posts before unsubscribing.



How to leave Naver Cafe (mobile)

How to leave Naver Cafe Mobile (1)
It is very easy to leave the mobile Naver Cafe. Enter the cafe you want to leave with your mobile phone and click the “Cafe Information” button.

Cafe – Leave – Button – Click
How to leave Naver Cafe Mobile (2)
At the same time as the representative information of the cafe appears, a button to leave the cafe appears at the bottom. Click to leave the cafe.



Today, I tried to explain how to leave Naver Cafe. As a result of using Naver Cafe, there are many helpful things, but I think it is like a double-edged sword. I think it would be right to boldly leave the group if life becomes an obstacle to Galjongdo’s cafe activities. Most of the people who want to leave the group are wondering, Is this cafe activity helpful to me? I think you are thinking about and leaving.