내일배움카드 신청방법 How to apply for a learning card tomorrow

내일배움카드 신청방법


You can get education through the National Tomorrow Learning Card.

I will summarize the application method of “tomorrow’s learning card” which is used by many people such as 4th grade university student, graduate student, transfer student, person who wants to develop oneself, and application requirements.


1. meaning of tomorrow’s learning card
2. Requirements to apply for a learning card tomorrow
3. Amount of support for learning cards tomorrow
4. How to apply for a learning card tomorrow

Meaning of tomorrow’s cards.

Tomorrow’s learning card is a card that allows you to apply for the card according to your economic activity status, such as employment, leave of absence, unemployment, etc., and use it within a few usable categories.

Regardless of whether you are unemployed, employed, or self-employed, you can use one card tomorrow for five years.

Requirements for tomorrow’s learning card
Age 0 ~ 75 years old and income 1) Supported persons: Unemployed persons, workers, special type workers, self-employed persons

2) Income: Self-employed persons with annual sales of more than 150 million won and large-sized workers with monthly wages of more than 3 million won (less than 45 million won) can not participate

3) Other subjects to be excluded: Public officials, faculty members of private schools, students other than those scheduled to graduate;

The latest update for 2022 (I will update you every year for support exclusion)

Tomorrow’s support card.

amount of support

$300 to $500 per person training.

The National Tomorrow Learning Card can be used for five years.

application method

1) Next, search the HRD-Net of the Ministry of Employment and Labor or tomorrow’s learning card in the search box.

The HRD -Net

The HRD -Net


2) You have to log in after entering the homepage. I will not explain how to log in because it is simple.

Refer to the photo below to apply for issuance.



3) Please read the instructions for issuing the learning card tomorrow and click “Next” below.


Read the procedure carefully and click ‘Next’.


4) Applying and agreeing.

This is the information and consent before applying for issuance. Please read it carefully and check it.

Checking for confirmation of rights and obligations

Check whether or not to issue it as an unemployed person

Read all of the instructions and check.

If you’re done reading and checking, press “Next”!

Guidance on application for issuance, guidance on application for issuance of consent, guidance on application for issuance of consent, and consent;

5) Informing the applicant.

There is a lot of personal information in the applicant’s information here, so please go in later and fill out the applicant’s information and press “Next”. * Asterisk marks are information that must be entered as a necessity.

Enter the applicant’s basic information.


basic information of applicant


I’ll give you a few notes when you write it.
NH Nonghyup Card, Shinhan Card and other card companies can not be selected NH Nonghyup Card’s credit card application can only be issued on-site SH Shinhan Card’s credit card application can only be issued on-line and on-site.

내일배움카드 신청방법
6) Applying and Applying.

After entering all the basic information of the applicant, press the next button to come to the “Qualification and Confirmation and Application”.

Confirmation of application and application.

Check the application form and click on the application form. ⁇ Check the notice ⁇ Check the National Tomorrow Learning Card. “Check”

7) Checking the provision of personal information.

You can check all personal information agreements.

You can check your consent to collect personal information from the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation, such as consent to provide training history information for the provision of livelihood loans and employment support services, and consent for joint use of administrative information.

Check it all out and choose “Apply”!

If you have any questions related to other applications, please go to the homepage and ask them. “I have learned about tomorrow’s learning card