내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴 The website I signed up for, how to unsubscribe and manage it at once!

내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴The website I signed up for, how to unsubscribe and manage it at once!

by Alyac
2016. 11. 30. 11:46

The website I signed up for, how to unsubscribe and manage it at once!

In order to use certain services on our website, you must register as a member. It’s a bit cumbersome, but it’s a necessary part to use the service smoothly. Due to website attacks that have occurred domestically and internationally in recent years, a number of important personal information of users have been leaked constantly. Enraged users have raised satire and criticism that it is now ‘public information’ rather than ‘private information’.

In order to prevent such a large-scale leakage of personal information, it is most important for companies and institutions to thoroughly manage website security. In addition, users themselves must observe and pay attention to relevant security rules so that they can safely protect their personal information. Therefore, we need to periodically manage which websites we are registered with our personal information.

Today, you can check at a glance the status of the websites you joined several years ago and have already been forgotten in your memory, or you unknowingly joined due to personal information leakage, and how to quickly and easily withdraw from unnecessary websites. I would like to introduce you to .

1. Access the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) website

Access the Korea Internet & Security Agency website (http://www.kisa.or.kr/).

2. Click ‘ePrivacy Clean Service’ located in the center of the homepage

3. Connect to [Usage History Inquiry Service] – [Check Inquiry Service]

4. Check [Usage history inquiry]

Carefully read the information on the consent to use personal information for viewing usage history, check “I agree” at the bottom, and click the OK button.

5. Proceed with the identity verification process

In order to view usage history, you must verify your identity. After selecting a convenient method among the authentication methods below, click the OK button to proceed with authentication. (Omitted certification process)

6. Identity verification completed

When the identity verification process is complete, the above page is displayed. Depending on the issuing agency (SCI/NICE/KCB), you can inquire your resident registration number or I-PIN usage history on a yearly basis, up to 5 years ago.

7. Add withdrawal application through [Can apply for withdrawal]

Check the website address in the [Withdrawal Application Available] details, check the items that are deemed unnecessary, and click “Add Withdrawal Application”. If you are not sure which site is on the list, you can proceed after confirming by entering the URL displayed on the website into the address bar of your web browser.

※ Websites that fall under [Direct Withdrawal] or [Cannot Withdrawal] are websites where membership withdrawal through the resident registration number is not possible, sites that are currently being used or that are likely to cause disadvantages when membership is withdrawn. Therefore, please click “Direct withdrawal and download reasons for withdrawal impossibility” in the middle of the page to download and execute the ‘ePrivacy Clean Service Membership Cancellation Impossible Code Explanation’ and check the reason for non-processing.

8. Resident registration number membership withdrawal application

When requesting withdrawal from the website, carefully check the instructions for precautions, processing of unique identification information, and the basis for collection and use of personal information, check “I agree” and click the OK button.

Enter the e-mail address to receive the result of membership withdrawal application, review the website to apply for membership withdrawal once again, and click the ‘Request Withdrawal Request’ button.

9.  Completion of withdrawal application and inquiry of application details

When the application for withdrawal of membership is completed, you can check the progress through [View Membership Withdrawal Application History].

In recent years, and not too long ago, there have been cases of personal information leakage from large websites. While experiencing the punishment process, many of you must have felt frustrated because even though my personal information was sold for pennies, there was no clear punishment for it.

Therefore, we earnestly hope that institutional deficiencies will be supplemented, and we ask that users themselves refrain from subscribing to unverified sites. Wouldn’t it be possible to become a smarter user by periodically checking the current status of how my personal information is being used by using the method I gave you today? ^^ I hope this was a useful post. thank you!

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