나침반 보는법 (feat. 동서남북 방향 찾기) How to Read the Compass (feat. Finding North, South, East and West Directions)

How to read a compass,
나침반 보는법


Let’s learn how to read a compass. Usually younger students are taught how to read a compass in class. It’s not difficult to read the compass, so if you know a little bit, you’ll be able to understand it easily.

나침반 보는법

In that case, Naver map app

Try it.

The post I will introduce this time is how to read the Naver Compass. It’s not difficult, so I think you can do it easily. Here’s how.

How to read a compass.


1. First, let’s open [Play Store] to download Naver Map to install the app. iPhone users, please use the App Store. ->2. Then, enter Naver Map in the search box, [Install] the app, and then run it when it’s done.

->3. If you open the app, you need to allow location access, but you can use the compass function. Tap [Allow only while using the app]. -> 4. Then, did the app finally run? Then, if you press the circle button at the bottom, [My Location] will be displayed.

-> 5. Voila, if you can see the compass in the upper left corner, it’s done. You can check like this.

Freeze the map

If you use the above method, it is a little difficult to accurately locate the location you want to go to because the map and compass move together. The method is simple.

1. If you look at the map, is it round or has a range displayed at the top of the screen? Then we will press it once. ->2. Then, the range display is turned off and the location shape changes to an arrow at my location. Also, since the map and compass are fixed, it is convenient to see only my location and move.

Very simple, right?

How to read Naver Compass.
Know in advance so as not to get lost.^^

You can use the compass function on a basic Galaxy or iPhone, but the downside is that you can’t see it with the map. If everyone uses this method, there is an advantage in that you can simply see your current location and where you are going at the same time. If the route and location you are looking for are ambiguous, please run the map app and use it conveniently.