전역자 군번조회 방법(PC,모바일) How to check military service number for discharged person (PC, mobile)

You may be able to memorize your military number well until one year after you are discharged from the military, but as the years go by, you will forget a lot of it. Then, you need to take out the discharge certificate that you kept at home and check it, but there are many cases where even the discharge certificate is easily lost. Especially recently, as reservists are receiving remote education due to COVID-19, many people are looking for their military numbers. So today, we will summarize how discharged veterans can easily look up their military numbers through the Military Manpower Administration website.



# Step 1: After accessing the Military Manpower Administration website, click on the ‘Military Manpower Civil Service’ tab.
Military Manpower Administration site link: www.mma.go.kr/index.do

Step 1: After accessing the Military Manpower Administration website, click on the ‘Military Manpower Civil Service’ tab.
When you access the Military Manpower Administration website, a screen like the one above will appear. However, you cannot look up your military number on the first screen and must go to the ‘Military Service Civil Service’ tab. Click the ‘Military Civil Service’ tab at the top left.

# Step 2: Click on the Mobilization/Reserve Forces tab and look up the military number.

Step 2: Click on the Mobilization/Reserve Forces tab
When you enter the ‘Military Service Civil Service’ tab, the screen above will appear. Click on the ‘Mobilization/Reserve Force’ tab in the middle.


Step 2: Click on the mobilization/reserve force tab and check the military discharge date/service number.
If you click on the ‘Mobilization/Reserve Forces’ tab, you can process civil complaints for reserve forces, such as downloading discharge certificates, applying for issuance of military registration certificates, and applying for formation of reserve forces at work. If you want to look up the military number, click on ‘County station date/county number search’.

# Step 3: Identity verification

Step 3: Identity verification
The ‘Identity Authentication Service’ screen will appear as shown above, where you can click on the ‘Obligator’ tab.

Step 3: After verifying your identity, click ‘Integrated Login’
When you click the ‘Obligator’ tab, the first screen with simple login will appear. If you want to use simple login, you will need to install a new app, which is inconvenient, so you must go to ‘Integrated login’. If you click the ‘Integrated Login’ tab, you can use a public certificate and authenticate yourself using your mobile phone. You can choose which of the two methods is more convenient for you.


# Step 4: Check military number

If you verify your identity, the message ‘Do you want to check your discharge date/military number, etc.’ will appear. Just click the ‘Yes’ button here to check your military number!