국민은행 한도제한계좌 해제 KB Kookmin Bank limit limit account cancellation, Star Banking number ticket advance draw — Dugom’s writing

국민은행 한도제한계좌 해제Today, we will try to lift the limit limit on KB Kookmin Bank’s regular deposit (deposit/withdrawal account). We will learn about the meaning of a limit-limited account, restrictions, and how to lift it.
A limit-limited account is intended to prevent accounts from being opened for voice phishing scams or using fake accounts, which have become more severe recently. To put it simply, if we cannot submit accurate proof of how and for what purpose we will use this account when opening an account, it will be opened as a financial transaction limit-limited account. Most banks have strict account opening defenses, such as limit-limited accounts that are opened without proof of documents, or not even limit-limited accounts at all.
The following are the restrictions when a financial transaction limit-limited account is in place at Kookmin Bank. The bolded part is a limitation that is very close to us. The writer is a student by profession and originally did not withdraw or transfer large sums of money, so I could have just used it as a limit-limited account. However, when I recently canceled the deposit I had signed up for at Kookmin Bank and transferred it to another bank to sign up for a new account, the limit-limited account transfer limit was 300,000 won per day, so it was difficult to transfer a large sum of money at once, so I decided to cancel the limit-limited account.
There are two main ways to cancel a limit-limited account.
First, you can cancel the limit through Internet banking or the KB Star Banking app. However, there are detailed criteria and conditions, and if you do not meet the conditions, you must visit a branch. [!] Detailed criteria
If you meet the detailed criteria above,
You can apply from each menu. If you do not meet the cancellation criteria, a limit maintenance guide screen will be displayed. The following is a lift by visiting a branch office. Lifting of financial transaction limit restrictions through a visit to a branch office can be done by requesting lift by preparing financial transaction purpose verification documents, or lifting can be done without financial transaction purpose verification documents if sufficient purpose is recognized through the transaction history for the past 3 months. In addition, additional documents may be required by branch office, or the lifting of limit restrictions may be rejected. [!] Detailed criteria for lifting without documents through the transaction history for the past 3 months
If the detailed criteria above are not met, financial transaction purpose verification documents are required. [!] Examples of financial transaction purpose verification documents
Etc. are required. Among the many detailed conditions and documents, non-face-to-face release not only did not meet the conditions, but I thought it would not work because the writer is a minor and did not apply in the first place, and even if there were documents confirming the purpose of financial transactions, such as receipts for utility bills and management fees corresponding to management fee accounts, they did not appear in the writer’s name. So I looked into it and thought that the easiest thing to do was automatic payment of utility bills three or more times a month for three months or more and stock trading. However, it was a bit much to open a stock account to release this limit-restricted account, so I targeted automatic payment of utility bills and worked hard to connect automatic transfers for three months. Since automatic transfer includes pump banking, automatic transfers such as using Hyundai Card are also recognized as actual. The representative ones that the writer connected and wrote about were Hyundai Card, Save the Children CMS payment, and Toss transfer. Since I inevitably use those three once a month, it wasn’t that difficult since I only had to use them for 3 months. And for minors, the limit restriction must be lifted unconditionally even if they are over 14 years old, and the required documents are the legal representative’s ID, family relationship certificate (detailed/minor), and basic certificate (detailed/minor). Figure 1. Unmanned ticket issuance

There is only one Kookmin Bank in the writer’s neighborhood, so there are always a lot of people. So, it is much better to get a ticket in advance rather than going to the branch to get a ticket. You can get a ticket from the KB Star Banking app -> Find a branch/Issue ticket menu. At first, the employee tried to avoid releasing the ticket because I was a minor and there were a lot of voice phishing scams. However, since I absolutely had to release it, I explained why I had to release it, and he released it. After releasing the account limit, you can increase the transfer limit to less than 10 million won on the app. If you want to increase it from 10 million won or more on the app, you can visit the branch again, get an OTP card, and then increase it on the app. Since I didn’t think I would need 9.99 million won, I increased the limit to 7 million won. Figure 2. Limit Inquiry

As I said earlier, minors are reluctant to lift the limit unless there is a clear reason why it needs to be lifted. Of course, this may vary from branch to branch and from employee to employee, but if there are no documents at the moment and it is not something that needs to be lifted right away, it may be better to just leave it alone for now. I have seen other fights at the bank for no reason.

국민은행 한도제한계좌 해제
