국민연금증 카드 혜택 Types of National Pension Card Issuance

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There are four types of national pension card issuance. There are Woori Bank Card, Shinhan Card, Nonghyup Card, and Kookmin Card. Those who have reached the age of 65 and are receiving the national pension can apply for it by visiting the bank’s website or window.

card issuer

The National Pension Card is a certificate that serves as an identification card to prove that you are a recipient of the National Pension Service, as well as a credit card and check card. Eligible recipients are all recipients of the national pension over the age of 65, and recipients of divided pension, disability pension, and survivors’ pension (over KRW 100,000). Cards can be issued at Woori Card, Nonghyup Card, Shinhan Card, and Kookmin Card. If issuing a credit card is difficult, you can issue a check card. Each card company offers a variety of benefits and offers different services, so you can compare and choose.

Go to our National Pension Card Issuance

1. Up to KRW 5,000 discount per month on buses

2. Additional 10% discount on KTX tickets

3. Rail discount up to 50%

4. Supermarket discount / 5% discount at hospitals, clinics, oriental clinics

5. 10% discount on mobile communication charges

6. 70 won discount per liter of gas

7. Annual fee

Go to Shinhan National Pension Card Issuance

1. Subway free transportation function by adding free transportation function to existing national pension card

2. 5% discount for hospitals, clinics/oriental clinics

3. No annual fee

Go to Nonghyup National Pension Card Issuance

1. Subway free transportation function by adding free transportation function to the existing national pension card

2. Up to 50% discount on railways

3. Public transportation (subway, city bus) billing discount

4. Mobile communication charges (SKT, KT, LG U+)

5. Geumgang hearing aid on-site discount and interest-free installment
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6. Annual fee

Go to National Pension Card Issuance

1. Hospital industry 3% refund discount

2. SK Energy 40 points earned per liter of gas

3. Transportation (credit card only)
4. 0.3% accumulated when paying mobile communication bill automatically (credit card only)

5. Annual fee

If you have reached the starting age of pension and are planning to receive a new pension or are already receiving it, please apply for a National Pension Card to receive benefits at the same time. Please note that only the Shinhan Card and the Nonghyup Card include the free ride function, while the other cards do not. It is also worth noting that credit cards offer slightly more benefits than debit cards. You can apply for a card issuance by visiting a bank near your residence, homepage, or by phone.

Go to National Pension Card Issuance

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