국가 자격증 종류 Types and list of qualifications (national qualifications, private qualifications)

There are many purposes for obtaining certification. And there are various characteristics of the certificates acquired depending on the purpose. Before you decide to get certified, let’s find out what types of certifications there are in our country and what the characteristics of each type are.

1. Types and types of qualifications
2. Find out about national qualifications
(1) National technical qualification
Items and types of national technical qualifications
Preferential treatment for national technical qualifications
(2) National professional qualification
3. Find out about private qualifications
(1) Nationally recognized private qualification
What is a nationally recognized private qualification?
Types of nationally recognized private qualifications
(2) Registered private qualification (unofficially recognized by the state)
What is private qualification registration?
Private qualification registration status
4. Clean up

1. Types and types of qualifications
National qualification: Qualification newly established and managed by the state in accordance with laws and regulations
Private qualification: Qualification newly established and managed by a person other than the state

The certifications we acquire can be broadly divided into two types. And each qualification is divided into the following categories.

national qualification
National technical qualification
National professional qualification
Private qualification
Nationally recognized private qualification
Registered private qualification (unofficially recognized by the state)
If you refer to Article 2 of Korea’s Framework Act on Qualifications, you can see the definitions of each qualification. Literally, there are two major categories: national qualifications created and operated directly by the state, and private qualifications created and operated by the private sector rather than the state.

One thing to keep in mind is that among private qualifications, there are nationally recognized qualifications recognized by the government and non-accredited qualifications that are not recognized by the government, so you must understand well what type of qualification you want to acquire before preparing to acquire it.

For example, in the case of ‘accredited qualification (private)’, the term may be confused with ‘national technical qualification’, although it is strictly speaking a ‘private qualification’ although it is accredited by the state. Certified private qualifications and national technical qualifications are qualifications with different types and characteristics.

Below, we will learn more about the details of each national and private qualification.

2. Find out about national qualifications
(1) National technical qualification
“National technical qualification” refers to qualifications in the fields of technology, skills, and services related to industry among the national qualifications under the Framework Act on Qualifications. As stated above, this will be a qualification for competency verification centered on technology and functions related to the industry.

Items and types of national technical qualifications
What types of national technical qualifications are there? As the industrial fields are diverse, there are correspondingly different types of national technical qualifications. Below is a list of categories. Across almost every industry, you’ll find something eligible.

※ Category classification of national technical qualifications
Construction machinery operation, construction piping, construction, management metal, materials, etc. (see image below)

National technical qualification category classification example 1
National technical qualification category classification example 1
National technical qualification item classification example 2
National technical qualification item classification example 2
National technical qualification category classification example 3
National technical qualification category classification example 3
Since more than one certification is defined for each of the above categories, and the amount of all certifications is too large, this article briefly summarizes the top few certifications calculated based on the number of recent applications. (Refer to the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s 2020 National Technical Qualification Statistical Yearbook.)

If you would like to see more types of national technical certification, please refer to the following link. (See full list of national technical certifications)

※ Highest qualification in terms of number of applicants as of 2019

– Computer literacy level 1
– Computer literacy level 2
– Forklift driver technician
– Korean food cooking technician
– Word processor
– Information processing engineer
– Hairdresser (general)
– Excavator operator technician
– Electrician
– Electrician

There are levels of national technical qualifications. There are different grades for each competency, from technician to technician.

As of 2019, the technology/skills field is divided into five grades: technician, master craftsman, engineer, industrial engineer, and technician. Additionally, service areas are divided into levels 1, 2, and 3 or single levels.

Please refer to the detailed item descriptions in the technology/function field below. (Reference: Human Resources Development Service Q-Net)

Ability to perform tasks such as planning, research, design, analysis, investigation, testing, construction, supervision, evaluation, diagnosis, project management, and technology management based on advanced professional knowledge and practical experience in the relevant national technical qualification items. possess the ability

chief engineer
With the highest level of skill in the subject of the relevant national technical qualification, you can perform tasks such as work management at industrial sites, guidance and supervision of affiliated technical personnel, field training, and field management that organically connects managers and technical personnel. ability

Possess the ability to perform tasks such as design, construction, and analysis with knowledge of engineering technology theories related to the relevant national technical qualification items.

industrial engineer
Possess the ability to perform complex basic technologies and functional tasks based on basic technical theory knowledge or skilled skills related to the relevant national technical qualification item.

Possess the ability to perform production, manufacturing, operation, operation, maintenance, maintenance, collection, inspection or work management and related work with skilled skills in the relevant national technical qualification items.

Preferential treatment for national technical qualifications
One of the advantages of national technical qualifications is that they have the advantage of being officially certified by the government. Typically, this is a method in which the relevant qualifications are specified in the law in the human resources standards for each industrial area, including additional points when hiring public officials and public enterprises.

(Reference) Find out preferential information on acquiring national engineer qualification (Q-Net)

(2) National professional qualification
National professional qualifications are used differently from national technical qualifications. National professional qualifications are qualifications directly managed by each government ministry, and qualification management is managed by ministries such as the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Ministry of Education.

Representative national professional qualifications include lawyer, certified public accountant, paralegal, and certified real estate agent, and these are qualifications that must be possessed to actually provide services in industrial settings. Below I have written about some of the types of national professional qualifications.

If you would like to see more types of national professional certifications, please refer to the following link. (See the full list of national professional certifications)

Ministry of Health and Welfare – Social Worker Level 1
Ministry of Environment – Water Purification Facility Operation Manager Level 1, etc.
Ministry of Employment and Labor – Certified labor attorney, occupational health instructor, etc.
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries – appraisers, surveyors, inspectors, etc.
Ministry of SMEs and Startups – Management instructors, technology instructors, etc.
National Police Agency – mechanical security instructor, general security instructor, etc.
Fair Trade Commission – Affiliated companies, etc.
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism – Tourist interpretation guides, domestic travel guides, etc.
Cultural Heritage Administration – Cultural heritage repair technicians, etc.
Korea Customs Service – Customs broker, etc.
Ministry of Gender Equality and Family – Youth counselors, etc.
Ministry of the Interior and Safety – Technical Administrator, General Administrator, etc.
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs – Auctioneers, etc.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport – Appraisers, real estate agents, etc.
National Tax Service – tax accountant, etc.
Ministry of Health and Welfare – Nurses, daycare teachers, doctors, dentists, etc.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport – Architect, aircraft engineer, etc.
Ministry of Education – health teachers, librarians, full-time teachers, etc.
National Fire Agency – Fire safety manager, etc.
Ministry of Justice – Lawyers, etc.
Office of Court Administration – Legal Counsel, etc.
Financial Services Commission – Certified public accountants, actuaries, insurance brokers, etc.

There are many qualifications from other government departments.

As you can see above, the terms of national technical qualification and national professional qualification are similar, but the content is clearly different.

We have looked at national qualifications above, but next we will look at private qualifications.

3. Find out about private qualifications
(1) Nationally recognized private qualification
What is a nationally recognized private qualification?
Nationally recognized private qualifications are a system in which the government recognizes excellent private qualifications that meet social needs among private qualifications operated by corporations, organizations, or individuals other than the state in accordance with Article 19 of the Framework Act on Qualifications.

One of the disadvantages of private certifications is that they lack public trust. If private qualifications are recognized by the government through this national recognition process, there is an expected effect that social value will increase by improving the quality of qualifications.

Nationally recognized approval process for private qualifications (Source: Q-Net)
Nationally recognized approval process for private qualifications (Source: Q-Net)
According to the Framework Act on Qualifications, the following nationally recognized approval standards are specified.

Have the ability to manage and operate private qualifications in accordance with the basic direction of operation of the qualification system in accordance with Article 3 of the Qualifications Standards Act

As of the date of application, there must be at least 3 qualification tests that have been in effect for more than 1 year – If there is a relevant national qualification, the test standard for the relevant private qualification. The test level, including test subjects and application qualifications, must be the same as or equivalent to the relevant national qualifications.


Article 3 of the Framework Act on Qualifications
Article 3 (Basic direction of management and operation of qualification system) National and private qualification managers shall strive to reflect the following matters when managing and operating the qualification system.
1. Compliance with national job competency standards
2. Compliance with the qualifications framework
3. Linkage with education and training courses
4. Responding to industrial demand
5. Contribution to establishing a lifelong learning and ability-centered society
6. Securing compatibility and international currency between qualifications

Types of nationally recognized private qualifications
Let’s take a look at just a few types of nationally recognized private qualifications. Please check the following link for a list of all nationally recognized certifications.
※ See the full list of nationally recognized private certifications

국가 자격증 종류
Insurance Training Institute – Personal Insurance Review Station
Credit Information Association – Credit Manager
Korean Association for the Deaf – Sign Language Interpreter
KBS Korea Broadcasting Corporation – KBS Korean Language Proficiency Test
Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Trade English, etc.
Maeil Business Newspaper – Maekyung TEST
Korea Economic Daily – TESAT
Korea Data Industry Promotion Agency – SQL Expert

국가 자격증 종류
There are probably some certifications that many of you have heard of, but there also seem to be many that are unfamiliar to you. I have attached the status of the institutions that operate each certification.

Status of accredited private qualifications (Source: www.pqi.or.kr)
Status of accredited private qualifications (Source: www.pqi.or.kr)
Approximately 100 private certifications are registered as nationally recognized. It seems that the number is not as large as expected. In fact, the number of private certifications, both nationally recognized and non-nationally recognized, exceeds approximately 30,000. Below, we will also learn about private qualifications that are not nationally recognized.

(2) Registered private qualification (unofficially recognized by the state)
What is private qualification registration?
Private qualification registration refers to registering with a registration management agency that a private qualification manager is managing and operating a private qualification. In the registration ledger, the name and level of the qualification, matters related to the management and operation institution of the qualification, the date of application for registration, and the date of the decision to register. It is a general term for a series of administrative actions that list etc. (Source Q-Net)

Private qualification registration status
Seen below