구주소 신주소 변환 방법 Easily convert your old address to new address

The old address and the new address are still being used.

There are not one or two inconveniences in daily life.

A map using a new address, that is, a street name address

It’s been about 9 years, and there are some inconveniences

There are many times when I can’t remember the new address right away.

Because I have used the old address for almost 100 years

I think this old address must be familiar and convenient.

But now there are more cases based on the new address. 구주소 신주소 변환 방법

Rather than paying attention to the

You should be interested in the new address.

So today, you can easily change this old address to a new one.

I will show you how to convert your old address to new address.

First, in order to proceed with the conversion of the old address to the new address

Address information website (street name address guide system) site

There is a way to use it.

This site is a website managed by the Ministry of Public Safety and Security.

This is a site you can trust and use.

Please search for address information in the search bar.

I always like to use Naver for the search bar.

The most convenient and convenient part! hehe

This is the first screen of the address information website.

Map view, road name information inquiry, road name by region, address conversion,

A wide variety of national branch numbers and customer centers 구주소 신주소 변환 방법구주소 신주소 변환 방법

It is a site that provides services.

If you click this address conversion icon here

Converting your old address to a new address is very easy.

Click the switch address button

You will see a blank space to enter the lot number and address.

Please enter the old address you want to search for here.

At this time, you need to write down the street number along with the street number to be searched.

Don’t forget to think about this part before searching.

When entering the old address, the new address, along with the street name address

It is very convenient to be able to check even the zip code, right?

Even if you click on the document shape next to the magnifying glass,

To the phone number and English address of the local resident welfare center

It’s a really useful site to check out.

In addition, Excel and text downloads are available.

It is also useful for those who need it in a file format.

You can easily convert it even on mobile.

After accessing the address information website in the same way,

If you click the address conversion icon, the old address input window appears.

The old address you want to convert to a new address

After entering, scroll down

Click Convert Street Name Address.

Again, it is easy to see and you can easily change the new address.

50 or less / 3,000 or less / 1 million or less on this site

We provide a one-stop searchable service.

You must enter a lot of old or new addresses, or

For those who need to convert

If you use this method I told you,

It will save you a lot of time and make your work more convenient.


Search the map each time to see two addresses, or

Search and compare in Google or other site search boxes, etc.

It is often necessary to go through two or three operations,

Don’t make it so complicated

I hope you will make good use of the Address Information Nuri website!