과속단속조회 및 실시간 확인방법 Speed control inquiry and real-time confirmation method

Speeding Enforcement Inquiry
People who drive cars for a living or who use cars frequently have probably encountered speeding violations. How do you check a speeding violation after being caught in a speeding violation? Usually, if you don’t get a bill saying that a raid has been conducted at your house, you don’t check it. We will tell you how to check in real time if you are caught in a speeding violation.

Speed enforcement inquiry real-time period

Speeding Enforcement Inquiry



First, you need to find out about speeding enforcement. When driving a car, there are many times when you feel anxious. uh? I guess this was filmed? There will definitely be moments when you do this. In this case, there is a quick way to check if you have been caught speeding.


There is a way to check your traffic control record by accessing the National Police Agency’s Traffic Civil Service Center.


1. Go to the National Police Agency traffic complaint website.

2. Click to check the recent crackdown details.

3. After entering the vehicle number, you can check the crackdown details.



text alarm service
It is very annoying to go to the National Police Agency’s Traffic Civil Service 24 and check every time you get caught in a traffic control.


In that case, what you need is to register the text alarm service. If you register using the text registration service at the National Police Agency’s Traffic Civil Service 24, if you are caught in a crackdown, you can immediately check the details of the crackdown via text message.


If you register once, you can continue to use it, so even if it is inconvenient, be sure to log in and apply for the text alert service.

Speeding Enforcement Period


Just because you’re caught speeding doesn’t mean you’ll be caught speeding right away.


Usually, you can find out whether or not you are subject to speeding after it is registered on the computer. This period can usually take about 1 to 2 days. Therefore, if you register for the text message service, you can check it immediately via text message rather than waiting 1-2 days to check, so registering the text message is not an option but a necessity.



Speeding crackdown conclusion
The reality is that people who drive for a living are more sensitive to speeding regulations. Penalty point management is even more important because as crackdowns and fines pile up, your license may be suspended or even revoked. However, if you don’t even know about speeding regulations, it will be even more difficult to manage.


That is why we are emphasizing the text alert service, and we hope that you will subscribe if possible so that your livelihood or driving a vehicle is not affected.