공무원 가족돌봄휴가 Legislative notice on partial revision of local public servant service regulations (draft) < Legislative notice < Legislative work information: Ministry of Government Legislation

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⊙Ministry of Public Administration and Security Notice No. 2020-441

In revising the 「Local Civil Servant Service Regulations」, the following is announced in accordance with Article 41 of the 「Administrative Procedure Act」 in order to inform the public in advance of the reason for the revision and its main contents and to hear their opinions.

July 7, 2020

Minister of Public Administration and Security

Preliminary notice of legislation for partial revision of local public servant service regulations (draft)

1. Reason for revision

Strengthening the basis for work-family balance by expanding the scope of care leave from existing minor children to other family members, and expanding substitute days off to ensure rest time when performing high-intensity disaster response work such as working overnight on weekdays, etc. for local public servants’ service. The goal is to improve the system and improve operational shortcomings.

2. Main contents

go. Introducing family care leave and expanding reasons for child care (Article 7-7, Paragraph 9)

1) Change and expansion of child care leave to family care leave. The care leave for minor children, which used to be 2 days (3 days for two or more children), has been expanded to include spouses, parents, grandparents, and grandchildren to cover old age and accidents of family members other than children. ㆍWe plan to change it to family care leave that can be used when care is needed due to illness or other reasons, and expand the number of days to 10 days. However, the existing reasons for caring for minor children will remain paid, but other family care leave will be unpaid.

2) Expansion of reasons for child care along with existing reasons

Child care leave can be used even when daycare centers and schools are closed or closed (including home classes due to infectious diseases, etc.), and when care is needed due to a child’s illness or accident.

3) Consideration for parents of disabled children and single-parent public officials

In the same way that up to 3 days of paid leave per year is granted to those with two or more minor children, single-parent public servants and public servants with disabled children who require social consideration are also granted up to 3 days of paid leave per year even if they only have one child.

me. Strengthening disaster response and damage control support

1) Expansion of alternative leave system (Article 4, Paragraph 2)

Even on weekdays, if an employee works more than 8 hours of overtime in addition to regular work hours, substitute days off will be granted, and the period for using substitute days off will also be expanded from 1 week to 6 weeks.

2) New establishment and expansion of disaster relief leave (Article 7-7, Paragraph 12)

Disaster relief leave according to the service ordinance for each local government has been increased by the President to grant within a range of 5 days, and in cases where long-term damage control is required due to a large-scale disaster, local government heads can extend it to 10 days.

all. Establishment of a clear basis for rationalization of compensation and allowance payments

1) Improvement of annual leave savings system

Less than 8 hours of remaining annual leave subject to payment of annual leave compensation is automatically carried over and saved to the next year (Article 7, Paragraph 4).

If it is necessary to compensate for the previous year’s annual leave deduction due to cancellation of disciplinary action, etc., compensation can be made through savings annual leave (Article 7-2, Paragraph 1).

2) Specifying the basis for work orders for retired civil servants to hand over office work (Article 12)

The basis for payment of remuneration is clarified by allowing retired public officials to work for up to 15 days when necessary for handing over or processing remaining work.

la. Other wording modifications

1) When summoned for official duties, specify the police as an organization that can use official authority (Article 7-6)

Even though the majority of criminal cases are handled by the police, the police is not listed as an example of an organization that can grant public authorization when summoned for official duties, so the public authorization system may operate differently depending on interpretation, so public authorization is not required.

Add the police to the examples of organizations that can be granted.

2) Modification of the cited article number (Article 7-9)

In the special provisions regarding leave for civil servants with optional part-time hours, “Article 3-4 (1) of the same Decree” is changed to “Article 3-5 (1) of the same Decree” and “Article 7-7 (6) and (7)” are changed to “Article 3-4 (1) of the same Decree”. The cited article number was revised to “Article 7-7, Paragraphs 7 and 8.”

3. Submission of opinions

Organizations, organizations or individuals who have opinions on this amendment may submit their opinions online through the Center for Participatory Legislation (http://opinion.lawmaking.go.kr) by August 17, 2020, or enter the following information. Please submit your written opinion to the Minister of Public Administration and Security.

go. Opinions in favor or against the notice (specify reasons for opposition)

me. Name (in the case of an institution or organization, the name of the institution or organization and the name of the representative), address and telephone number

all. Other notes, etc.

※ Where to send submission comments

– Regular mail: Local Personnel System Division, Room 729, Annex Building, Ministry of Public Administration and Security, 411 Hannuri-daero, Sejong Special Self-Governing City

– E-mail: chaesungok@korea.kr

– Fax: 044-204-8953

4. Other matters

For more information about the amendment, please contact the Regional Personnel Management Division of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (phone (044) 205 – 3358, fax (044) 204-8953).

Present opinion


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