고졸 후학습자 장학금 Information on selection of new scholarship students for the 2023 first semester high school graduate student scholarship program (Hope Ladder II) – Scholarship information – Humanities News – Seoul National University College of Humanities

고졸 후학습자 장학금go. Eligibility: Undergraduate students who meet all of the following conditions
1) Undergraduate students with Korean nationality (including new and transfer students)
2) Those with a grade of 70/100 points (1.4/4.3) or higher in the previous semester (grade standards do not apply to new or transfer students)
3) A high school graduate with more than 2 years of employment as of the date of review (January 1, 2023), and currently employed at a company eligible for scholarship selection (however, for small and medium-sized companies, more than 1 year)

me. Support details: Differential support for tuition for the beneficiary semester depending on the type and size of the current company.
1) Small and medium-sized enterprises: Full tuition for the benefiting semester
2) Large companies, non-profit organizations: 50% of tuition for the benefiting semester

all. Apply online
1) Application period: 2023. 3. 6. (Monday) ~ 3. 31. (Friday) 18:00
2) How to apply: Log in to the foundation’s website (www.kosaf.go.kr) and apply directly.

la. Scholarship Student Obligations
1) Fulfillment of mandatory employment (maintain employment at a recognized company for “number of semesters × 4 months”)
2) In the event of a change in academic records such as leave of absence or withdrawal, the full amount of the scholarship will be refunded.

Attachment 1. 2023 Scholarship Project Implementation Plan and Work Processing Standards for Students After High School Graduation Part 12. 1 copy each of the 2023 high school student scholarship project poster and card news. end.

고졸 후학습자 장학금
