경찰체력시험 – Police physical fitness test is now the same for women as men –

경찰체력시험Same ‘right posture’ for men and women from July next year

Starting from July next year, the push-up posture of female applicants in the police officer recruitment exam will be changed to the ‘upright posture’, the same as that of men. The National Police Commission held a plenary meeting on the 21st and proposed an amendment to the ‘Rules on the Police Civil Service Recruitment Test’ containing these contents. It was announced on the 22nd that it was decided. However, due to concerns about confusion among test takers, a grace period was set until July 1 of next year. Accordingly, starting in July of next year, both male and female applicants for the police officer recruitment exam will be asked to ‘hold both hands shoulder-width apart, feet together, arms at right angles, body at right angles’. You must do push-ups in a ‘horizontal posture’. Meanwhile, in police officer recruitment exams, female candidates did push-ups ‘with their knees and the area below their knees maintained at a 45-degree angle with the floor.’ However, taking into account differences in strength, the score standard for women is planned to be adjusted to 50% of that of men. Starting in January 2024, the police will unify the push-up method to ‘straight posture’ in the current police officer physical fitness test. The police officer public recruitment physical fitness test consists of a total of 5 tests, including push-ups, sit-ups, grip strength measurement, 100m running, and 1000m running. It consists of items (out of 50 points). If you score less than 19 points out of 50 in the physical fitness test or score 1 point in any subject, you will be disqualified. In the case of push-ups, men who do less than 12 push-ups and women who do less than 10 push-ups receive 1 point and are disqualified regardless of their scores in other subjects. In the police academy and recruitment process for executive candidates, everyone, regardless of gender, is already doing push-ups in the upright position.
In addition, the police decided to abolish the system of awarding additional points for various qualifications in interview tests from January 2025, following criticism that it had degenerated into a ‘score filling method.’ However, if you have a martial arts degree, you can receive additional points in the physical fitness test.

Source: Seoul Newspaper
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