경동보일러 고객센터 및 전화번호 Kyungdong Boiler Customer Center and Phone Number

We will inform you about the Kyungdong Navien boiler after-sales service center, repair methods, warranty period, and repair costs.

경동보일러 고객센터

경동보일러 고객센터

Kyungdong Navien provides consultations with customers through various routes, and what is especially impressive is that the customer service center is open 24/7. If you are looking for repairs due to boiler failure this coming winter, check out the information.


1. Kyungdong Navien Boiler AS Customer Center Contact Information
2. Kyungdong Navien boiler repair method
3. Kyungdong Navien boiler repair cost


1. Kyungdong Navien Boiler AS Customer Center Contact Information

The phone number of Gyeongdong Navien Customer Service Center is 1588-1144. Consultation is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so you can contact us at any time if you have a problem.


Kyungdong Navien_Customer Center

For ventilation system rental and care inquiries, please call 1661-9944. Please note that consultation hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays.




2. Kyungdong Navien boiler repair method
If your Kyungdong Navien boiler breaks down, please resolve it through frequently asked questions or video consultation support before applying for after-sales service. This may be a problem that can be resolved without filing an after-sales service.


Kyungdong Navien Frequently Asked Questions >>


The video consultation support provided by Kyungdong Navien is a system that provides real-time video consultation on any questions you may have about a product.


Video consultation hours are from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on weekdays, and consultations are not available from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM as it is lunch time.


Kyungdong Navien video consultation support >>

The video support service is a two-way communication service in which a counselor remotely accesses the customer’s mobile phone from a PC and suggests solutions according to the cause and symptoms of the problem.


In order to receive video counseling support, several steps are required.


✔ Install the Navien video support app before starting the service.


✔ Click Apply for Navien Video Support Service and a counselor will contact you at the desired time.


✔ When calling with a counselor, launch the app and enter the 6-digit authentication code received from the counselor.


✔ Enter the authentication code to establish a remote connection and start the video support service.



Even if you browse the frequently asked questions and receive a video consultation service, you must file an after-sales service if you need repairs from a professional.


There are three ways to apply for Kyungdong Navien A/S: phone call to customer center, chat, or website.



1. Real-time chat consultation

A professional counselor will answer any questions you have about the product through real-time chat. You can also apply for after-sales service through chat.


Kyungdong Navien chat consultation AS application >>


2. Homepage after-sales service application

You can submit and inquire after service through the website.


After entering the customer’s personal information, enter the product type, installation or purchase date, and a detailed description of the malfunction symptom, and then select the desired visit date.


Kyungdong Navien website A/S application >>


Kyungdong Navien_AS application

Once after-sales service is received, a technician will contact you on the desired date and visit your home to provide service.




3. Kyungdong Navien boiler repair cost
For Kyungdong Navien products, free service is available for after-sales service issues arising from product or construction defects within 3 years of purchase.


However, please note that if damage occurs due to movement after installation or the consumer’s negligence, service will be provided at a cost even within the free quality warranty period.


Please check before applying for Kyungdong Navien A/S as the warranty period varies depending on the product line.

We would like to inform you about the warranty period for boiler products.


Product line Household and non-household parts retention period/useful life
Wall-mounted small gas boiler 3 years 1 year 8 years
Floor type small oil boiler 2 years 1 year 8 years
Floor type medium to large gas/oil boiler 2 years 1 year 8 years
Mid-night electric boiler 2 years 1 year 8 years
Instantaneous electric boiler 2 years 1 year 8 years
Double heat electric boiler 2 years 1 year 8 years



1. Free repair

Any malfunctions or defects that occur under normal use within the warranty period will be repaired free of charge.


2. Paid repair

– Products whose warranty period has expired

– Breakdown due to consumer negligence

– Damage caused by repair or modification by someone other than our service center or agency technicians

– Breakdown due to natural disaster

– Malfunction due to abnormal power supply or defective connected devices


3. Service fee

The service fee is comprised of the sum of parts cost, technology fee, and travel fee.


– Parts cost: Price of parts required to replace parts to repair a finished product, including 10% VAT


– Repair cost: Pure technical fee based on repair difficulty and time required to repair the product


– Travel expenses: If on-site repairs are requested for the subject of paid repairs, the travel expenses are charged by item regardless of distance.


If you are looking for repairs due to a malfunction of your Kyungdong Navien boiler, please submit an after-sales service request to the customer center by phone, chat, or through the website and receive on-site repairs.