경기도 청년기본소득 axis! Youth basic income (1 million won per year for young people aged 24)

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#Gyeonggi-do #Youth basic income #Gyeonggi local currency #Payment of 1 million won to 24-year-old youth

○ Business Introduction This is a Gyeonggi-do-type basic income system that supports the guarantee of young people’s basic social rights, such as the pursuit of happiness, improvement of quality of life, and improvement of health. Up to 1 million won per year, divided quarterly, will be paid in local currency (card type, etc.) for each city or county. ○ Eligible for support: A young person aged 24 who has registered as a resident in Gyeonggi-do and has lived continuously for more than 3 years (as of the date of application) ※ Two conditions (age) , residence) all must be met ○ 2019 payment standards and targets
※ Apply every quarter, referring to the date of birth of the person eligible for quarterly payment ○ Payment method – Base date: The first day of the month each quarter – Payment conditions: (Condition 1) Young people aged 24 or older (Condition 2) Resident registration in the province for at least 3 years as of the application date Continue to reside – Payment format: City/county local currency (electronic card, mobile) (Area of ​​use) Principle of use only within the address area (Place of use) Traditional markets and small business owners (excluding department stores, large supermarkets, SSM, entertainment establishments, etc.) – KRW 250,000 per quarter (maximum KRW 1 million per year) ○ Online application process (http://apply.jobaba.net) ○ Documents to be submitted – Application form – Copy of resident registration (issued as of application date) – Personal information use consent form ☞ Application period closes at 9 p.m. You can apply 24 hours a day from then on ☞ However, you must complete the application and upload attached documents by 18:00 on the closing date ☞ Attached files are limited to pdf files, jpg files, and png files ○ Inquiries – Application procedures, etc.: Youth welfare in your city/county Department in charge, Gyeonggi-do Call Center (031-120) – Online system: Gyeonggi-do Job Foundation
Original source: Gyeonggi Job Foundation Facebook


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Gyeonggi Job Foundation Western Business Headquarters, 3rd floor, 25 Buheung-ro 424beon-gil, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
Gyeonggi Job Foundation Western Business Headquarters, 3rd floor, 25 Buheung-ro 424beon-gil, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do

경기도 청년기본소득
