간헐적 단식 커피 Coffee water intake 16:8 method effect during intermittent fasting

간헐적 단식 커피Intermittent fasting beginners usually do a lot in the 16:8 method when they first start, because a detox phenomenon called “autophagy” occurs when you have to keep an empty stomach for at least 14 hours. So, the 16:8 diet is recommended, which involves fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8 hours.

In addition, this intermittent fasting can be effectively applied to a diet by using the principle of losing weight by maintaining an empty stomach for 16 hours, enabling “self-phasing”. These days, YouTubers who diet through intermittent fasting are gaining a lot of popularity on YouTube channels.

However, if you do intermittent fasting in this way, a question arises. Can I drink coffee during fasting? Can I drink water? Furthermore, can I take nutritional supplements? etc.

First, let’s talk about coffee.
The answer is YES. However, the only coffee you can drink is black coffee. Drinks with sugar, such as Americano or black coffee, or with milk, such as lattes, are foods that break the fast. The reason is the principle of “autophagy”, which is the reason for intermittent fasting.

When we eat food, a hormone called insulin is secreted, and when insulin drops to the normal range while maintaining an empty stomach, autophagy begins from then on.

Autophagy means that when insulin levels drop and all energy consumed is exhausted, the wastes in the body are burned and used as energy. However, these days, modern people continue to consume food even before insulin drops, and suffer from many side effects such as diabetes.

Carbohydrates, sweet foods, especially refined carbohydrates (sugar, high fructose corn syrup, confectionery, chocolate, etc.) are factors that increase insulin levels.

If you eat a lot of these refined carbohydrates, insulin spikes, and if the process of insulin spikes in this way is repeated, insulin sensitivity falls, leading to a situation where you need to secrete more insulin. This leads to diabetes.

Can I drink water while fasting?

The answer is YES. Drinking water during fasting does not break the fast. Because there is nothing in the water that makes insulin soar.
So, you can drink the water freely.

Other foods allowed during fasting.

Drinks that do not feel sugar at all, such as green tea and herbal tea, can be consumed.

Beverages not allowed during fasting.

Mixed coffee, soda, latte with added milk, milk tea, smoothies, etc., foods with added sugars should not be consumed because they break the fast.

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