햇살론 뱅크 Sunshine Loan Easy Loan < IBK Savings Bank

햇살론 뱅크※ You can apply if you meet all of the above conditions.
9% per annum (12-month variable interest rate)
※ As a product exclusive to the i-Bank app, a preferential interest rate of 1.7%p is applied compared to Sunshine Loan (employees)
※ Loan interest rate = base interest rate + additional interest rate
monthly after smell
General fund loan
2% per year of the deposit of the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency (employees)
※ Guarantee fee reduction for those who have completed financial education/consulting: 0.1%p
(‘21.7.26. / Those who have completed financial education and credit debt consulting at the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency within 1 year prior to the date of application from new applications received
※ Low-income youth (less than 35 million won per year and under 34 years of age): 0.5% reduction
※ If the loan interest rate exceeds 10.5% per annum, the guarantee fee rate is reduced by an amount equivalent to 60% of the excess (loan interest rate – 10.5%).
doesn’t exist
Loan interest rate + 3% or less (delinquent interest rate), maximum 15% or less
IBK Savings Bank Compliance Officer Deliberation No. 2023-181 (2023.10.16.~2024.10.15.)

햇살론 뱅크
